2 minute read
& GO. GARG0 and RAlt
The lumbermerchant can supply materials to GoD' tractors under ourttpink sliptt plan and have positive arsurance of getting his money within fifteen days.
Home Owners'Finance Corporation
Invites the attention of
Contractors, Builders, Engineers, Designers, Manufacturers, Jobbers Dealers and Architects
to itgnew method of financing home improvementr on entbely neu) and easier terms uithout recourse or liability and with a
The basic idea of Home Owners' FinanceCorporation, together with its methods, is entirely new in the field of Installment discounts. Certain protected forms, used exclusively by this corporation, greatly facilitate the service. The three elements which are of greatest interest to those desirous of selling either merchandise or labor for home improvement purposes are: first, the market is very greatly increased by the new and easier terms to the home owner; second, twenty-f'our'hour reports preaent any lost sales; third, paper is endorsed by the contractor or dealer ,without recourse, and without liability of any sort.
rmmortarity ," " i:*r".:f,tJjlr,"ugh ar the ages, has been whispering to Love. The mriacle of thought we cannot understand. The mystery of life and death we can: not comprehend. This chaos called world has never been explained. The golden bridge of life from gloom emerges, and on shadow rests. Beyond this we do not know. Fate is speechless, destiny is dumb, and the secret of the future has never yet been told. We love; we wait; we hope. The more we love, the more we fear. Upon the tenderest heart, the deepest shadows fall. All paths, whether filled with thorns or flowers, end here. Ifere success and failure are the same. The rag of wretchedness and the purple robe of power all differences and distinction lose in this democracy of death. Character survives; goodness lives; love is immortal.-Robert
G. Ingersoll.
"Pop, f got in trouble at school today, and it's your fault.
"I{ow's that, son?"
"Remember when I asked you how much a million dollars was ?"
"Yes, f remember."
"Well, Helluva lot aiq't the right answer."
Here is my creed: I believe in one God, the Creator of the universe. That He governs it by His providence. That He ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable service we can render to Him is doing good to His other children. That the soul of man. is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental points inall true religion. Respecting myself, having experienced the goodness of that Being in conducting me prosperously through a long life, f have no doubt of its continuaqce in the next, though without the smallest conceit of meriting such goodness.-Benjamin Franklin.
A Heavy Bet
Tramp (to housewife)-"Lady, would you be kind enough to give me the recipe for that plum cake you handed me this morning?"

Astonished Housewife-"For goodness sake, what do you \ilant that recipe for?"
Tramp-"To settle a bet, lady. My partner says you use three cupfuls of cement to,one of sugar, and I claim you use only two and a half."
A Little Work
Alittle work, a little play, To keep us going-and so, good.day! Alittlewarmth-a little light, Of love's bestowing-and so, good-night ! Alittle fun, to match the sorrow Of ea'ch day's growing-and so, good-morrow ! Alittle trust that when we die ltfe reap our sowing ! And so, good-bye !
-George,Du Maurier.
Most Of Us Do
"I am collecting for a rummage sale. What do you do with your old clothes?".
"I hang them up carefully every night, aqd put them on again every morning.t'
Pretty Soon
The road that leads to that mystic land, Is strewn withpitiful wrecks, And the ships that have sailed for its shining strand Bear skoletons on their decks; It is farther at noon than it was at dawn, And farther at night than at noon, O, let us beware of that land down thereThe land of "Pretty Soon".
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

Agricultural Series. Bulletin No. 6
(By the California Redwood Ass'n.)