5 minute read
Compensation Costs
All rater on COMPENSATION INSURANCE arc crtab' lirhcd and applicd by thc Celifornia Inrpcction Rating Burcar4 and thc ratc applicablc to each claraiGcation of indurtry ir made up on a cort of production beris. Thc actual accidcnt co.tr arc cornparcd to thc peyroll and muet eetab' lirh a ratc per hundrcd dollarr of payroll which murt pro' ducc cnough prcrnrium to pay all accident cortr plur a fair pcr ccnt of pro6t to thc inrurance comPeny. undcr our plan of opcretion, profit rnadc by thir Arociation ir rcturncd to thc Arrurcdl and conrcquently, our aourcde obtain their protcction at ectuel COST.
Ovcr a period of thrcc ycrrr thc cort of WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE har bccn rtcedily climbing, which her brought about corzcrponding incrcarcr in ntcr for prectically all thc clereificationr in cvcry indurtry.
Thcrc ratc increercr havc bccn prectically uniform, which ir convincing proof that thcrc murt be romc ceu3c or group of crurcr for bringing thcm aboutr end to prevent cvcn furthcr incrcuer, thcrc caurcr murt bc climinated.
(In.our nc:t erticlc wc will teke up thcrc caurcr.)
GEO. R. CHRISTIE Gcncrel Mrnrgcr
With ineurance and fire prevention measures, you place a protective stream between your business and the ravages of fire. Sometimes 6re will leap the gap, no matter how wide the stream. However, most fireg can be prevented if you make sure that careleasnesq working through your men, ie not pcrmitted to lay stepping-stones for fire.
If the stepping-stonee are there, sooner or later fire ig bound to discover them and uee them to bring destruction to your plant. The Agsociated Lumber Mutualg offer expert prevention scrvice to help you kecp out the stepping-etones, and their reputation and reaourceE guarantee prompt payment of claims when losses come.
LVrite any of our companies f or sfccial fold,er, "Stepping-Stones for Fircj' and for complete information obout tlte protection ute offer to the Luur,ber Industry.
Northwestern Mutual Fire Association of Seattle, Wash.
Central Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Co., of Van Wert, Ohio. Indiana Lumbermens Mutual fnsurance Co., of India4apolis, Ind.
The Lumber Mutual Fire Insurancc Co., of Boston, Mass.
Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co., of Mansfield, Ohio.
Pennsylvania Lumb-ermens Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Philadelphia, Pa. I
(The Clqring Hourc)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:
The Fellow Who'Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Racc: 82.s0 pcr column
incfr The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Executive ability and credentials. Past four years manager California lumber yard, wants position. Address Box B--120. care California Lumber Merchant.
Retail lumber yard or equity in exchange for my $20,000.00 equity in Los Angeles Boulevard income property. Address-Box B-113, care California Lumber Merchant.
Position as Yard Foreman, by man with2 years' local experience. Can give best of references and start at once. Address Box B-114, care California Lumber Merchant. 2-15-l
2-l-2 has welcomecl this nerv finance plan as the greatest silgle factor in his anticipated larger volume of business f.or 1927' The contractor hal always 6een partial to remodeling work' Heretofore rvhen he has attempted to extend to the home owner the same courtesy of delerred payments r'vhich. the radio clealer offered, he iound his orvn capital insuffrcient, and a series of annoying delays and lost sales {acing him rvhen he triecl to firianie through some of the existing agencies.
Have building, side-track, open space. Would like to talk with lumbeiman with some-money' Address Box B-109r care California Lumber Merchant.
(Continued from Page 48.)

Under the Hon.re Orvners' F-inance plan the orvner of a residential property desiring repair, remodeling or additions visits the iottt"cf,r., gets 1n lstimate on the cost of the rvork, ancl signs an application for credit accommodation' This applicaiion the Lontractor sends immediately to .the g..rer"i tffi..t of the Honle Orvnets' Finance Corporation'
The loan committee of the latter, which meets every clal-, reviervs the application ancl the signer's credit record, tosether with rnatters of title, equity to secure the loan, etc', ind acts immecliately. The approval or rejection of the uaper by Home Own-ers' Finance Corporation is telephonecl io'the ctntractor, in almost every instance, within 24 hours of its receipt by the company. The fact that sttch paper is indorsed by the contractor, rvithout recourse' and lvith no liability to 6im whatever {or its payment, is one of the most unusual features'
The architects of Los Angeles have indicated great interest in this plan and express ihe belief that'thousands of nerv .un .oornrl sleeping porches and other home additions rerluiring the architect'i assistance, rvill be built in 1927.
In discussing the purpose of h.is company' Mr. Dixon stressed the facl that the company's entire resources would be devoted to the constructive work of property improvement. His company will not discount and purchase installment paper on anything not actually of benefit to the home' and #itt- under no circumstances engage in the field of discounting paper that goes to pay for merchandise classecl as luxuries.
Would like position with chance of advancement. Over five years with present employer, drawing plans, estimating and general olfice lvork. Best of references. Address Box ld-l?f]. care California Lumber Merchant. 2-15-r
Red River Lumber Co. Opens New Panel Exhibit
The Red River Lumtrer. Co. has opened an exhibit in the I\{onadnock lluilding, San Francisc<.r, where they are riisplaying their latest designs in panels. The panels on ciispiay are the finished product, showing the several highiy decorative coior designs which are very. attractive and etTective. The special color efiects used in staining the paneis r'vas initiated byMr. W. ts. Laughead, who is lot:ated at the company's mill operations at Westwood. The cxhibit also shorvs some of their other special factory prociucts. such as stained siding and drafting boards. The exiribit, r,vhich is in charge of Bert Smith of the company's San lirancisco ollice, should be of special interest to archirects and the lumber trade.
Lumber Shipments Toargentina Show Big Gain
Figures for the year 1926 show a decided increase in lumher Jhipments from the Pacific Coast to Argentina. Jhe 1926 movement totaled 50.746.000 feet, showing an increase ol 7I per cent over the year 192.5 when the total shipments rvere 29.618.000 feet.
BELLTNGHAM, *f;#.i*"Ylr:}"" PRoDUcTIoN
Tlre Bellingham, Wash.. mills in 1926 produced 4A6,270,000 feet of lumber or about 16,000 carloads. The shingle output was 332,412,W pieces. In addition, 44,587,WO lath rvere manufactured. The Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills had the greatest production year in its history, cutting 253,000,000 feet of lumber, ,10,700,000lath and 152,000,000 shingles. Production by other lumber concerns in Bellingham in 19'26 follows: Puget Sound Sawmills & Shingle Company, 80,' 000,000 feet of lumber; Morrison Mill Company, 41,00O,000 feet of lumber; Whatcom Falls Mill Company, 32,27O,W feet of lumber, 4,147,W lath and lDl,4lz,W shingles; Siemons Lumber Company, 73,0@,000 shingles; N. Jerns, 6,' 000,000 shingles.
Newly Perfected for Permanent Pipe Line Protection
^ comes as the solution to the pipe line protection problem. It givei complete protection to any exposedor buried metal surfacb under any conceivable conditions. It- forms a solid, impenetra, ble, yet flexible coaring which retains itsflexibiliti even when frozen. It *ili not chip or scale even when the-pipe is bent at right angles after the coating has been applied.
In test it has rvithstood even the galvanic action when submerged in salt rvater over a long period of time, dem. onstrating itself to be not only-a permanent protec. tion for pipe lines but a per. fect insulating coat as well. Just try a test for yourself. Heat some Pioneer Rubber. Tex to a liquid consistency and flow it onto a piece of sheet metal or pipe. Place the metal on ice and freeze it as long as you wish. While at this lo-w'temperature you can bend the metal or twist it as much as you please. The Rubber,Tex wili not chip nor scale. No cracks wi[l develop.
We'd like to have our.en, gineering department dis. cuss your pipe covering problems rvith you. You,il be under no obligation.