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How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fir.-Orderg for lumber received by 212 wiilb in the Douglas fir region of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia dnri.rg the pad four weeks have exceed'ed production by 12 per cent, according to reportr received from the mills by the West Coast Lumbennen'r Association. This favorable rpread was due to tfie fact that production during thir period war far below normal as a reeult of the prolonged rpell of cold weather, which war preceded by a heavy fallof Enow. Dunng part of this time most of the West Coast millr were rhut down completely or were operating on red'uced schedules.
Production, orders and shipmentr at 212 miilc for the week ending February 1 were reported to the Association ar follows: Production, ll2r537r047 feet;Orden, 129r373,490 feet; Shipmentr, 123,98O,80G feet. Orders were 14.96 per cent over producti'on and shipments 1O.17 per cent over the output.
The California rnarket showed practically no change during the past two wedks and the demand continues light. Pricer remain about the rame. Following the revere weather in the Northweat many of the mille have resutned operations but on accormt of the log rhortage itwill be a week or two before the industry as a whole ir back to nonnal. Orring to the ooarcity of clear logs, all items in clears are firmUnrold lumber et San Pedro on February 12 totaled 12r459rd)O feet. Cargo arrivals at this port for the week ending February E totaled 8r718r0,fr) feet, the lightest weekly arrivah for a long peri,od.
Redwood.-The Redwood market rhows very little change. The demand is fairwith prices remaining about the same. There ir a good demand for structural. For the
A.'\ry'. Ninemire Covering Arizona Territory
A. W. Ninemire, for many years connected with the lumber industry in the Northu'est, is norv covering part of the Atizona territory for Hawk Huey, the rvell-known Arizona rvholesalerivith headquarters in Phoenix. Mr. Ninemire wbsformerly vice-president and sales managel' of the N & M Lumber Co. at Rochester, Wash. When the N & M plant rvas destroyed by fire in 1924, he went to Arizona and was connected with the Tohn A. Tohnson Lumber Co. until the fall of 1928, rvhen he went bick to the Northwest. I\{r. Ninemire has just returned to Arizona again.
Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, and George Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, s.pent a few days in Los Angeles around the first of the month attending to business matters.
week ending February l, the California Redwood Arsociation reported production from 13 rnills as 5'92O'0OO feet' shipmentr 5,919,000 feet and ord€rr 4r899,O(X) feet.
California Whiteand Sugar Pine.-The market hae rhown conriderable improvement during the part two weeke. The mills report rnany inqtririec received. Pricer are steady. For the week ending February 1, the California White and Sugar Pine Arsociation report production from 17 mills ar 3,799,OOO feet, ahipmentr, 13,238,(XX) feet and ord'err l4r972,(XX) feet.
For the week ending February 1, t{re curTent relationrhip of shipments and orders to production for the first five weeks of the year, based on reports from the regional e.rsociations to the National Lumber Manufacturers' Aerociation, ir as follows:
Wert Coast Lrmlb€rrn€nts Agociation-p1q{qstien, 569,789,000 feet; Shipmentr, 617'640,00O feet; Ordere' 660,411,OOO feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Arociation-Productionn 26r246.,O0{J; Shipmentr, 751576'000 feet; Orderr' 78,133,(X)O feet.
California Redwood lssociati6n-p1ed'uction, 361529r(X)O feet; Shipments, 27,388,OOO feet; Orden, 31'466'(XX) feet.
So$thern Pine .dsrociatielProduction, 2791737 rOOO feet; Shipmentr, 256rO11'000 frt; Orders, 279,667,00o feet.
Total Hardwoodr-Production, l92r024rfrJ,O feet ; Shipmenta, 157,634'00O feet; Otderr, 165'879'00O feet.
Wrightson Lumber Compony, i Ltd., New Yard
J. W. Wrightson, former British Columbia lumberman, who for the past trvo and one-half years has been connected rvith the Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has opened his own yard, the Wrightson Lumber Company, Ltd.. at 11609 Victory boulevard. North Hollvwood. Calif.
/ BEN BYRNES MOVES OFFTCE v M. T. "Ben" lJyrnes, wholesale lumberman, has moved his ofiice to 24 C;lif.ornia Street, San Francisco. His new telephone number is KEarny 106'6.
J. E. "Ted" I{iggins, Jr., of the J.E. Higgins Lumber Company, to one of rttary 4.
San Francisco, received a very painful injury his eyes while playing a game of squash FebMr. Higgins was confined to his home for some days as a resuit, but is now getting along nicely.