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West Coast Lumbermen's Association Holds Annual Meeting at Tacoma
Suggestion by Col. W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, that the lumber industry hold a conference with the Federal Trade Commission to help in working out its marketing problems, was one of the features of the annual meeting of the association held at the Winthrop Hotel, Tacoma, January 31.
The morning session was taken up with a discussion on the marketing and merchandising of West Coast Hemlock. The principal speakers on this subject were A. H. Landram, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma; A. E. Mclntosh.
Clark-Nickerson Lumber Co., Everett, Wash.; F. R. Titcomb, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Tacoma; Roy Morse, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Longview, Wash., and R. W. Vinnedge, North Bend Timber Co., North Bend, Wash.
Col. Greeley read a paper bv George S. Long, chairman of the executive committee of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., entitled, "The Immediate Future of Hemlock."
The afternoon session was started by Col. Greeley, who read the association's survey of produition in l9D,-rvhich showed that the 706 mills in the Douglas Fir region produced lO,l47,O28,M feet in that period, and thit 145 of these mills produced 8,033,893,000 feet of this total, or 79.2 per cent.
The following board of trustees was elected : Everett district, H. A. LaPlant, Lyman, Wash.; Everett district, H. W. Stuchell, Everett, Wash.; Seattle district, R. R. Fox. Seattle ; Tacoma district, Ernest Dolge, Tacoma; CentraliaChehalis_.district. J. E. Witson, Wilville, Wash.; Grays Harbor district, T. W. Tebb, Aberdeen, Wash.; Columbia
. Arlo D. Squires of Lillard-Squires Company, Los Ange- les, is spending a month calling on the tiade at Phoen-ix, Albuquerque, El Paso and othei points in that territory.
_W. E. _f,grry, manager of the Algoma Panel Company, Algoma, Wisconsin, has returned to his headquarters-after spending a week in Los Angeles.
River district, J. D. Tennant, Longview, Wash.; Portland district, R. H. Burnside, Portland, Ore.; Willamette Valley district, A. C. Dixon, Eugene, Ore.; Oregon Coast district, H. W. Bunker, Marshfield, Ore.
President J. D. Tennant followed with an address of the progress of the association in the past year, and an outline of the objectives for 1930.
' Chas. S. Keith, president of the Central Coal & Coke Co., was unable to be present, but a paper prepared by him entitled "The Trend of Southern Pine Production in the Next Five Years and Its Effect Upon West Coast Production" was read by Judd Greenman of the Oregon-American Lumber Co.
Secretary-Manager Greeley presented his suggestions for the betterment of the industry in his address, "Charting a Course for the West Coast Lumber Industry."
H. W. Preston of the Silver Falls Timber Co., Silverton, Ore., then addressed the meeting on the subject of reducing shipping weights to the actual weight basis, and the proportionate increase of the mill base price.
A brief halt was made for dinner at 6:30 p.m., after which an evening session was conducted.
Kenneth Smith, secretary of the Lumber Dealers' Association of Los Angeles, discussed the subject of co-opera- tion between the West Coast manufacturer and the ietail dealer, and urged the manufacturers to spend more money on research.
The last speaker was J. W. Spangles of Dexter-lforton National Bank of Seattle, who talkid on"The Value of Co-operation in Modern Business."
Andy D-onoygq, Lo_? Angeles, Southern California repre- sentative for Hobbs-Wall & Company, has returned fiom a short business trip to San Diego.
G. B. Waterman, IJnion Lumber cisco, recently spent several days in NESS.
LOS ANGELES Company, San FranLos Angeles on busi-