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E. L. Reitz Enteirs Wholesale Lumber Business
E. L. Reitz
E,. L. Reitz has announced his entry into the wholesale lumber business and has opened an office at 533 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles, where he will operate as the E. L. Reitz Company.
Mr. Reitz has been associated with the wholesale lumber business in Southern California for the past ten years. He was with the Hart-Wood Lumber Co. for the past four years, and prior to that was connected with the J. R. Hanify Co. Mr. Reitz is airanging fora direct Douglas fir mill connection in the Southern California territory. The E. L. Reitz Company will specialize in lumber and lath.
California and 1930
Mountains cloud enfolded, Shores of gleaming sand, The Nevv Year and Springtime Are tripping through the land. "This is California," Sings the infant bold, "Clothed in radiant tapestries, Blue, and green; and gold.
Forests, rills, and rivers, Vales by soft winds fannedThe New Year and Romance Are loitering in the land; Whispering the story Of the days of old, When the whole world answered To the cry of "Gold !"
Sunlit roads and citiesWith a fairy wand, The New Year and Purpose Are wandering through the land; Visioning the glory Of the days to be, fn our California By the sun-down sea.
Kelly, district sales manager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco. returned Februarv 3 from a week's trip to the Northwest, where he went for the purpose of attending the annual convention of the American Wood Preserveis'Association. held at the Olym- pic Hotel, Seattle, January 28 to 30, and the annual m-eeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, held at the Winthrop Hotel, Tacoma, January 31.
Mr. Kelly said that up to the time he left the Northwest the ice had not gone out of the rivers sufficiently to allow the towing of log.booms, with the result that many mills were still shut down after the cold weather had let up owing to shortage of logs.
Dr. D. F. Brooks, president of the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company, the Powell River Co., Ltd., and other affiliated concerns, died at Palm Springs, California, January 21, af.ter having had a stroke of paralysis two weeks previously.
Dr. Brooks was born in Redfield, N. Y. in 1849, and first entered the lumber business in 1887.
True hearts and loyal, Willing, faithful hands The New Year and Will-to-do Are walking through the land. Beauteous California, From your skies of blue, Smile upon the toilers Making dreams come true. Adeline M. Conner.
Oregon Lumberman Visits Bay
John N. Elder, sales mahager of the Western Lumber Co.. Westfir, Ore., lvas a recent visitor to the San Francisco Bay district.
M. A. IIarris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned January 27 f.rom a inonth's vbcation spent at La Quinta, near Indio.