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promptly and generouslY repals^guery ounce of extra sales effort you put behind it . .
1n OMPETITION for \,1 share of the public's rapidly separating the real from mere order takers in dustry.
a bigger dollar is salesmen every in-
Celotex-a staple material with the profit margin of a specialty-gives your salesmen the chance to prove their value.
Home buyers, architects and contractors are 907o sold on Celotex insulation. All that is needed is the continuous contact and vigorous closing punch that personal salesmanship alone provides.
Give your men the CelotexMerchandising Plans to work with. Write for them today. And push Celotex hard, f.or a faster, more profitable turnover.
CELOTEX is easy to sell for effective one.
CELOTEX CELOTEX CELOTEX because the name Celotex stands insulation in the minds of everY- is nationally advertised more more continuously than any material. powerfully and other building is advertised and merchandised to every factor in the building industry. is backed by the most complete merchandising plans ever presented to you by any manufacturer . and by energetic field assistance in your local sales work.
Vice President General Sales Manager
The Cclotex Company 919 North Michigan Avenue, Gentlemen: Please send me plan for 1930.
Chicago, lllinoie. your new merchandising
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