1 minute read
LiLe rhis vrood rhar endured frorn rhe Bronze Ag. fTITION LUBBICAITTS
ar{D 66T1noe Tested,ee
IURING the Neolithic and early Bronze ages lD a people now unknown established their villages along the lakes of Switzerland. For pro. tection against their enemiec" they built their dwellings over the water on wooden pilings sunk 10 feet into the lake bed.
Then, thousands of yean agorthe rising watets of the lakes submerged these dwellings. They remained buried and unknown until an excep. tionally dry season in 1854 so lowered the level of Lake Zurich that the pilings, platforms, and in some cases even the stnrctures of these ancient villages were exposed. Since then over 200 aqua. tic villages have been discovered in the lakes of Switzerland.
The "time tested" timbers of these ancient lake dwellings are dramatic proof of the endurance of wood.
Like wood, IJnion lubricants have also been "time tested" by years of service in the Westem lumber production. They meet all tests of time and endurance because they have been scientif. cally proved in the greatlJnionOil Laboratories.
Get ThtsI'BDE Servlee
As a further service to western lumbermen, the Union Oil Company maintains a mobile staff of lubrication engineers,who will visit your mill or camp without charge to check with you on any lubrication problem. These scientists are often able to reduce lubrication costs from 1096 to 35V0, yet multiply a plant's eftciency.
Phone, write, or wire the nearest Union Oil Distributing Station for one of these lJnion en, gineers. Do it NOW!