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Other Unegualed Gerlinger Features
Gerlinger Carriers are equipped with Continentat S-12 motors, 4 cylinders, rl-inch bore, S-inch stroke. giving a maximum of 50 HP at 1800 RPM. Plentv of power without excessive motor speed.
Brown-Lipe transmission, specially developed for Gerlinger Carriers, has four speeds forward and reverse with a maximum speed of 30 MPH either direction.
Timken Heavy Duty difterential, designed to meet the severe Gerlinger requirements.
The builders of Gerlinger Lumber Carriers are continually striving to not only make a better carrier than any other but to make a better one than their own if that is humanly possible.
Above models of Gerlinger Carriers built in difierent sizes to meet your requirements, larger sizes equipped with Waukesha 6-cylinder motors. Send for circular describing the many exclusive features of Gerlinger Carriers.