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Note Garefull of Servlce
To protect -against shilting in tronsit, heaa! bulk-heading is inserted in cars at the mill. In this lticture C. L. Hamilton, manogir of Weyer- hgeu,sel Forest Produ,cts, and Harry Payzant, engineer aid disignei of the 4-Square Guide-Line Framing machine, are eramining the guile-tiws altltcaring on the lace o! the lumber betzaeen the bilk-heading. ceptance of the 4-Square program, the Weyerhaeuser officials plan to continue their advertising program in national mediums.
Hold Annual Stockholders' Meeting
At the annual stockholders' meeting of the Coos Bay Lumber Company, held at San Francis,co on February lOth, all of thi directors were re-ele,cted. Thev are A. E. Adelsperger, President Port Orford Cedar Products Company, Marshfield, Oregon; Frank B. Anderson, Chairman Bank of California, N. A., San Fran,cis,co. California: Ifomer W. Bunker, President Coos Bay Lumber Company, San Francisco, California; William Dinman, Attornev-ailaw, San Francisco, California; H. H. Fair. President Peirce, Fair & Co., San Francisco, California: F. S. Scritsmier,_Timber Engineer, Portland, Oregon; and D. G. Sherwin, Vice-President Peirce, Fair & Co. San Francisco, Cal.
At the directors' meeting w,hich followed the former Executive Committee, ,consisting of Messrs. Anderson, Bunker and Fair, was reappointed.
Offi,cers chosen were: Homer W. Bunker. president: Frank B. Colin, H. J. Leaf, J. W. Forrester and H. W. Gustafson, Vice-Presidents; H. G. Purvis, Secretary and Treasurer; C. E. M,cKinnie, Assistant Secretary "nd A.sistant Treasurer.
FOR SALE 1923,
2-Ton - Solid Tirer - Rubber Good - 14 ft. Hardwood Bed - Iron Roller - Engine, Brakes and Paint in Good Condition.
ALIFORNIA lumber retailers find many distinct advantages in relying on McCorrnickrs Jobbing facilities. Vith years of experience to draw on, in operating on a profit-making basis for the dealer, McCormick ofiers:
(1) A l0-million feet stock at San Francisco for -f the Northern Califotnia trade.
(.2) A l0-million feet stock on hand at Vilmington and San Diego for Southern California dealer requirements.
(3) Immediate rail or truck shipment, as you may specify.
(4) Control of our own Douglas Fir Mills in the Northwest.
(5) A complete sales organization to help you capitalize on service to YOUR buyers.