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New Company Enters Building Material Field
A new company has entered the building material field, and will soon place on the market a high quality cane fiber structural insulation under the brand name CANEC. This new concern, known as Hawaiian Cane Products, Ltd., has just completed the erection of a modern manufacturing plant at Hilo, Hawaii, where its product will be manufactured for distribution throughout the world. Head sales offices are maintained at 215 Market Street, San Francisco, California, with William L. Rawn as general sales manager, eastern sales offices are at 165 Broadway, New York.
Walter G. Stromquist has been appointed Eastern Sales Manager and will make his headquarters in the New York office.
The Hawaiian Cane Products, Ltd., says CANEC consists of the usual popular sizes of board from f" to I" thick, as well as insulation lath. It will be distributed solely through a selected list of lumber dealers, sales being made by the company in car load lots directly to the dealers for redistribution in the respective territories. A staff of well trained salesmen and contact men will be maintained in every section in which the company operates. Advertising of the company's products will be carried on through local trade journals and newspapers. The company wlll also conduct an intensive direct-by-mail campaign for the assistance of the dealers.
Adequate warehouse stocks will be maintained by the company at strategic points, enabling prompt service to dealers in their respective territories.