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1126 West 45th Street

Lor Angeler

PLone: VErmont 3102 ttOtly the Piston movest'

Yz to 2-inch Drilling Capacity

Veights 10 to 20 lbs.

Priced at tl00 and up.

Etcctric lDrllls, All Stzcr

Portable Gr{ndcm and Bench typet

Goncrete Surfaeem

Strand Fledble thattr and Equlpmcot

Electrlc nend Sawr

Sanderr Potlchcm Butlcat

If a job can be done with an electric 1e6t-wg heve it

The Fellow Who Wants to Buy

The Fellow Who \Mants to Sell

Ratc: E2.50 per cotun.n inch

The Fellow Who Wants to Hire

The Fellow Who 'Wants to Be Hired


For Sale

Pl,aning MiLl Machinery for sde. All modern, new 3 years ago. Los Angcles Planing Mill Co., 1E0O Industrial St., LG Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.

Salesman Wants Position

Salesman familiar with Southern California Architects. Lumber Dealers and Contractors desires connection as representative for Northwest mill, or for a manufacturer or distributor of building materials. Past three years Southern California District Representative for Eastern Manufacturer. Age 37-married. Can furnish references, will appreciate an interview. Address care California Lumber Merchant, Box C-424.

Wants Position

Experienced lumberman wants position. Knows lumber and shingles. Several years'experience as lumber grader in the Northwest. Has had some selling experience. Can handle office details. Can furnish reference. Married. Address Box C-425, care California Lumber Merchant.

Wants Position With Wholesale Firm

Lumberman familiar with details of wholesale lumber business wants position in wholesale ofifice. Has had several years' experience with wholesale lumber firms. Has had experience in selling and also good stenographer and bookkeeper. Address Box C-427, care California Lumber Merchant.

WANTED-By middle aged retailer of broad experience, position as manager of good yard in city of four to fifteen thousand population; central California preferred. Good salesman; expert on collections and result getter. Clean record and best of references. Want connection where an interest can be acquired after ability is proven. Reply California Lumber Merchant, Box C-421,

Experienced Office Man

Lumberman with several years experience in all branches of office work desires oosition. Can furnish good references and will appneciate 'an interview. Addreis Box C-423, California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted By Experienced Lumber Office Man

By experienced all around lumber office clerical man. A-1-refeiences regarding integrity and general-qualjfications. Address B-ox C-426, California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Lumberman Wants Position

Lumberman and shingle expert with years of experience, familiar with all detaili of the mill, wholesale and retail business, qualified to fill any position in sales department or in offici, wants position.- Witt go anywhere. Address Box C-428. The California Lumber Merchant'


The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receiving appliotions, from both men and women, deeiring work with lumber concerns. Moot of t{rege have had previous lumber oqterience.

When you are in need of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get tfie habit of calling us first and giying ur an opporhrnity to be of seryice to you as well as to tfioceneeding employment? There is no charge with this rervice' to employer or employee.

PRul- Sroctio,aVrNEER in OAK

Quarlery(.white Platn wiltle


PhilippineJrlafrigaly veHocnir,ly White ledar RED GUM

Qyartgrcd Fgurcd

"Unsekcled ORE G ON PINE

We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand' Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.

AIso a Complete,'Line ol Pressed W ood Mouldings


915-967 sourrr ALAMEDA STREET

Telephone TRinity oo57

MaitingAddrerr.' P. O. Box 95, Arcade Station LOS ANGTJLES. CALIFORNIA

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