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No Maior Change lntcnded, Says Jnso
Board Officul
To correct rumors concerning the Stewart Inso Board Qotp., St. Joseph, Mo., A. D. Stewart, president, has issued a statement denying the company has been sold to or consolidated with .any competitor.
"We have never considered." savs Mr. Stewart's announcement, "and do not intend ."iling or consolidating with any competitive or any other organization" We do not intend making any major change of any kind in the management or the organization of our business.
"There never has occurred, on the part of this company, a default in promptly meeting all obligations, either financial or the fulfilling of all ag'reements entered into in the sale of our product.
"What has happened is this: In order to more nearly approach that ideal situation of producing up to 100 per cent of capacity, and thereby assuring the trade of a more dependable source of supply, through the economies such maximum operation would afford, we have recently entered into a contract with the lfpson Company, Lockport, N. Y., to manufacture for them, their insulating board requirements, which the Upson Company will sell under their own trade name."
Mr. Stewart states that such an arrangement disposes of the surplus capacity of the fnso Board mill, that it will in no way afiect the company's ability to furnish present Inso Board accounts with their requirements, but to the contrary the company expects to promote the sale and use of Inso Board more ag'gressively than ever before.
"We will seek every legitimate opportunity to expand our business and to render even better service," Mr. Stewart concluded, "by improving our manufacturing facilities and creating new products whenever the opportunity of employing our surplus capital presents itself."
Forest Service Adopts Term "Ponderosa
Portland, Ore., Jan. 30.-Following the adoption last Fall of the term. "Ponderosa Pine" by the Western Pine Association, the,Forester asked the Nbmenclature Committee of the Forest Service for its recommendations relative to the substitution of the same term, by the Forest Service, for the term "Western Yellow Pine".
A letter written by E. A. Sherman, Acting Forester, on January 9, outlining the recommendations of this Committee, and action taken by the Forester, follows:
"I am glad to inform you that the Nomenclature Committee, after submitting the proposed change to the Regional Foresters and to the Directors of the regional experiment stations of the Forest Service, recommends that in the future the name ponderosa pine be employed by the Forest Service for the wood and tree of what was formerly designated by the Forest Service as 'Western Yellow Pine' (Pinus ponderosa). The Committee further recommends that the name ponderosa pine be used to designate the wood of varieties of Pinus ponderosa and also to designate the wood of Jeffrey pine. I have approved the recommendations of the Committee and the various regional offices of the Forest Service are being informed of the change. It is fine to have this matter settled, and I feel sure that the general adoption of the name ponderosa pine will prove satisfactory to producers, manufacturers, and users of the wood."
The Perfect Protection
Our most valuable service to policy-holders is unquestionably our expert coopemtion to PREVENT fires. Vhen fircs oocur, our proorpt adjustment and payment of claims is the best protection lcft. fncidentally out dividendc reduce insurancc coat<ubetantidly. Ask any of our Companies what that mutuol interest means for yort in safety, saving and satisfaction.
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