3 minute read
JackDiorne ,publ*hu
Iaorpontcd u&r thc lawr of Cdllorah J. C. Dione, Prca. ud Treae,; J. E. M.rtir, Vicc-Prc; A. C. Merrynen, Jr, Sccy. Pubfich.d thg frt ud l5th of 6.L noth et 3lt-lt-20 Celtnl luildia3, r$ lVet Sirrh Stcr, Lc Ars.Ln Cd., Tctcnhm, VAndlkc tiGi Entcred u Semd-dur mttcr Scptobcr E, lJd,,- af th'c Po.to,fiid at Lor Argels, Califcnia, uder Act of Mrich !, ffrf.
Subrcription Pricc, $2.0() pcr Ycar Singlc Copier, 25 centr cach. LOS ANGELES, CAL., FEBRUARY 15, 1933 Advcrtiring Rrtcl
How Lumber Looks
New business booked ai the lumber mills during the wee& ended Jgnuary 2E was the largest of any wee& of the year to date; production was lower'tlhan the preceding two weeks, according to reports to the N,ational Lumbet Manufacturers Association from regiorral associations colering the operations of 7O7 Leading hadwood and softwood mills. AII mills repoited orders of 116,09!1000 f99t, Production was 87,807,00O feet.
i. 252 mills reporting to tfie Vest Coest Lumbemerrts Assoftiation for the week ended Februaty 4 operated at 21.7 pet fent of capacity, as compared to 2I.5 p", .*t of capacity for the previous week. During the weeko 164 ot these plants were reported as down and 88 operaring.
:"."l78.,Erills repoting to the Association for tfie same weel QfgC$ged a9r251294 feet, or 22.5 pet cent of their weekly ca. nuaty. Cument new business of these mills was Sgr4gt,5lg6 feet, or 2pr8 pet cent over productioti. Shipments for ihe week wete'44r780250 fect, or 9.1 per cent under production.
lili:w export buslness teceived during the week was lrllTr0(X) feet rnore, new domestic iargo ornders were 2l5r000 feet over, and nerv rail business decreased 2rr6rrOOO feet as comtrrared to the previor.rs weekts .business.
fnventories, as repo,rted by l3O mills, are 17.2 pet cent less than at tfiis time last year.
* {< *
:: - the Southern Pine Association for the wbek ended January
Leonard C. Hammond, vice-president.and general manag,er of the Hammond L-umber Co., San Francisco, left January D on an Eastern business trip. Mr. Hammond will be gone six or seven weeks.
William Tway, credit manager of the Santa Ana Lumber Co., Santa Ana, Calif., has left on a trip to Danville, Ill. He expects to be away about three weeks.
The Los Angeles offices of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. and the McCormick Steamship Co. will be located in the W. M. Garland Building, Ninth and Spring streets, effective February 20. Their telephone number will be the same, TRinity 5241. For the past several years the McCormick offices have been in the Lane Mortgage Building. 'j
28 reported new business from 100 mills as 24r372rNO ferl,, sfripr{errb 2lr4lt,OOO pfeet, a6rd production lE,946rfiXl feet.: Orders yere 29 per cent above production and 14 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 13 per cent above produc; tion.
The Vestern Pine Association fot the weeh reported new business from 1O7 rnills as lSr3y2rOOO feet, ehipments l7r0llr0(n feet, and productiotr IOr338r(XX) feet. Orders were 78 per ccnt above production and 8 Ber cent above shipments. Shipmenu were 65 per c€nt above production.
Reports from 315 -hardwood mills for the same week gave new business as fZrZtOrOOai feet, or 30 per"cent above production, and shipments trr775r00{J feeg or 4l per cent above pto; dnction Production rlas 9r763rW f,eet.
Unsdld stocHi bn'the public docks at San Pedro are ehowing a marked dacrease and on February 8 totated 4r6SZroU0 fcxn,, as courpated to 51416100o fet the previous weelr. Cargo ar. rivals at San Pedro for dre week ended February 4.totaled, Sr6491000 feet, which included 6 cargoec of Fir carryiag 4B77rO00 feet, and 2 catgoa of Redwood with 672rgOQ fect 46 lum,6cr ve$els were operating in the California service on Februaty 4; 6O vecsels were laid gp. The California volume of busineec remains about the same. Mill prices strengthened during the past w.ec&.
Frank R. Adams, of Chicago, Eastern sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Co., has left for home after a two weeks'stay in California, his annual trip to the company's home office and mill operations.
W. G. Kahman, district sales manager, Shevlin Pine Sales Co., San Francisco, has just completed a business trip to T os Angeles. With L. S. Turnbull, their Southern California and Arizona representative, they spent'a few days calling on the Southern California trade.
A. L. "Al" Nolan, Western sales manager of The Pacific T umber Company, and E. A. Brown, structural engineer, California Redwood,Association, San Francisco, have completed a two weeks' business trip in Arizona and New Mexico.
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