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National - American \(/holesalers To Hold Annual at \(/ashington
The National-American Wholesale Lumber Association will hold its Annual Convention in the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D. C., April 26-27. This is the one time of the year when wholesalers all over the country meet to discuss their trade problems, confer with the representatives of mills whose products they distribute, ?s well as with representatives from their customers in the retail industry. In com.menting upon the program Secretary W. W. Schupner says: "There are many problems both within and without our branch of the industry, and wholesalers are looking forward to the opportunity of exchanging ideas, and planning for distribution policies in the future. The selection of Washington as a meeting place, will make it easier for many to attend the coming Convention, who were unable to travel the greater distance last year. We look for a good representation from our membership of 275;',
Uses Plane To Make Connection
Guy E. Smith, of Seattle, general sales- manager of the Chas. R. McCormi'ck Lumber Co., left Los Angeles by the United Air Lines 4 p.^. plane on January 28 and connected with the Cascade train leaving 16th Street Station, Oakland, at 6:51 p.m. for Seattle. Mr. Smith does a lot of flying to save time on his long trips. On this occasion he was completing a two weeks' visit to the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of the company.
Strable F{ardwood Co. Finds Advertising Brings Good Results
Oakland, California, January 27, L933.
Mr. J. E. Martin, Managing Editor,
The California Lumber Merchant
318 Central Building
Los Angeles, California
Dear Sir:
Our advertisement appearing in your issue of January lst, 1933, featuring "Ping-pong Table Tops," brought us most satisfactory traceable returns.
Many of the numerous inquiries and orders which we received for Ping-pong Table Tops, immediately following the circulation of this particular issue of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, were accompanied by a statement that the advertisement mentioned above was responsible for the order or inquiry. Certain circumstances surrounding other orders and inquiries pointed directly to this particular publicity.
This experience has reneri"ed our faith in the efficacy of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT as an advertising medium.
Cordially yours, STRABLE HARDWOOD COMPANY, BEB:PL B. E. Bryan.