1 minute read

Redwood Ass'n to Havc Exhibit at

Orange Show


Indor cmfort ud beauty re erstirl to the cu@ o[ ydr otdm tiving m. Oqr Redwood chain have the follwirg utsteding merit : @mfqt, strc4thr durability ud beauty.

Redwod is naturally drrable and strmg. Its b€auty blendc hamcidsly with otdor envimmentr. With thfu rcmrkable wood we havc &signed a chair vfiich insurec ttre utnct itr cmfct, atmgth ud eryiceabillty.

The California Redwood Association will have a Redwood exhibit at the 23rd National Orange Show, San Bernardino, Calif., from February 16 to February 26, 1933. The display will include a front section of a.Redwood log cabin 14 feet long and 9 feet in height. R. R. Leishman and E. W. Hemming of Los Angeles will be in charge of the exhibit.

Secretaries Meet In Oakland

A meeting of all the Northern members of the Western Institute of Trade Secretaries was held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, February 6.

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