2 minute read
Inccluated uder thc lawc of Cellfqtfa
J. C. Diue, Pra ard Trcac.; J. E. Mrrtla, Vlce-Prer.; A. C. Mcrrymrq Jn, Sccy. Publilhed thr lrt ird f5th of cecl mtL at 3lt-l'-zl Centnl Bulldng, tB West Stxrh stErt, Is Agclec, CaL, TelenLoe, VAnd&c l5G Entend u Secmd-class mattcr Scptenbcr E, lEZ" at th. P6t offl,cd et Is Ang€let CallfqnnU rmdcr Act ot Mrsch !, ft?t
Subccription Pricc, $2.00.pcr Ye8r Single Copicr, 25 centr och.
How Lumber Looks
' Lumber production and new businesg received during the nlveek ended February 3 at the sawnri[s of'the country were bomewhat less t{ran dudng the two preceding weeks; shipments nrere heavier than for any week of the year, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers AssociatiJn from .regronal associatioirE covering the operations of leading hard: woo{ and softwood mills. .The rqrorts were made by l2O7 Ameiricaa nrills whose production was 142rS10rfrD feei; shipmenti'143r066,(XX) feet; -orders 165,21O,O00 feet.
During the first five weeks oL lgr4, identical mill reports ahow production 37 per cent above t'hat of tht same period of 1933; shipmentsr ll per cent above those of last year, and otders received 23 per''cent above orders of the same 1933
INew 6usin6; -repixted to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended Februagy 3, .by QQ7 mills was q2,675r114 feet against a production of. 75,679pOO feet and ehipments of. 61r768r72E feet. Shipmenta were under produc{on by \E.4% and current sales weie over productiox-by g.Z7o. Orders boo&ed for the week .by this group of identical mills i,vere under the precedinS w;et< bg 15,OOO,OOO feet or 15.32Vo.
The California Redwood Association reported production for ilrc week from 2O mills as 62O4.WO feet, shipnients 61828,000 feet, and new business 4p17rfiD feet. Orderi on hand at the
A. J. Morley, president of the Saginaw Timber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., was a caller. recently at the offices of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, Northern California representatives for his company's famous "saginaw Brand" Red,Cedar.ghingles. Mr. Morley traveled by autoniobile, and also visited Los Angeles and San Diego. Enjoy end of the week wete 28,113.(XX) feet ll identical millr reported production 58 per cent gr€ater and new bucincss ll pcr cent greater than for *. *t w1:k las; fcar.
New business "-Lroeng to 3Or276rNO Leq ot t2 pec ccnt belon' the previous wee&r-was reported bv the Veetjrn Plnc Association for the week ended FAbruary l. Shipments for the week were t0r659rOOO feet and production 20-r16or(X)O fcet Onders for the year to date have been54 per cent above actud productiotr.
4o7 hardwood arrl ,"oJrr"a 1r"* l*irro, for the week ended february 3 as 21,19O,fiD feetr or ll per cent abovc production and rhipmentc for the same weeh ier:e l9r423rAA0 teet, or .5- per cent above production. Production war 19,335rM f.eet.
The Califoroi" -.r1". ir*rarrit L oone improvemcnt has been noted during t{re past few weeks. A decioion on the Fir -cargo freight raqe question is expected soono and as thc retailers are getting better prices on iheir sales they fd. vty much encouraged- With the spring months approaching, a seesond upturn in business is lo&ed-for.
Unsold stoc&s on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor tgtale{ 536,0q) feet on February 12. Cargo arJvab at Loc Angeles _harbor for dre weeL ended February 12 totald 5r 425,OOO feet, which included 7 cargoes of Fir carrying 3r9SOr0O0 feer, and 3 cargoes of Redwood -*ith t,44j,o0o fe;. -59 vccryls in the coastwise l"Tb"t oervice were operating on February t2; 45 vessels were laid up.
The S.S. Point Loma, which was in dry dock at San Pedro for two weeks undergoing annual inspection and geheral repairs, went back into service on February 9, starting on its r.egular run to Coos Bay, Reedsport.'and Grays Harbor. The S.S. Point Loma is operated by the
'I-awrence-Philips Lumber Co. :
Thanlcs, Frcd
F',nclosed find $!.00. Your January firs.t^ issuq. !\qs woith itre iiitire subscription
Fred H. Yost, Yost Bros. Lumbel. Qp.*parlyr. Milford, Nebraska.
When the Palco People have the pleasure of serving you a long, strong chain of resources is called into action.
It is the purpose of each individi ual connecrad with The"Pacific Lumber Company to best apply these resources to satisf y the needs of retail lumber rnerchants.