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Thcrets a good rcason wHv
S}IIDER RED (EDAR SHINGLES Make profitable Sa/es
Good roola, turd therelore good shingles qr€ cn inrportcnt pcrt oI building. Not only ce c protection ton qll kin& ol wecther, bui qs c protection ton rotting cnd genercrl wear. A good rool lcid ol Snider Bed Cedcr gbinglea properly lcid is good lor Iofi yecrs. To sell high quali- ty productr insiillr respect in your conmunity-c vcluqble csrot to ony business. Sbe:s, ioo, in :elling quclity roolr the becuty ol Snider shingles.+uch a rool trdds to the vclue ol cny buildiag. All sizes cnd grrcderNu'Cut Shckes