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Ten of The
Years Ago Today
From the tiles California Lumbet Merchant, February 15, 1928
The San Diego Hoo-Hoo conducted its first,annual tree planting on a burnt over area at Lake Morena on Sunday, February 12. The seedlings were secured from the state experimental nursery at Devil's Canyon, near San Bernardino. About 4O lumbermen, together with their families and friends, were present. Following the tree planting about l0O sat down for luncheon.
Ted Higginr, J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., was chairman of the day, which was Hardwood Day, at the regular luncheon meeting of the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club, held at the Palace Hotel, Janaary 26. M. A. Harris and C. H. White were the speakers.
W. Buckner, "OverMoney of Plywood," Davis Lumber Co., warehouse.
Palisades Lumber & at Corona del Mar.
at Davis, is constructing a new Supply Co. opened a new yard
Schumacher Wall Board Corporation is making a new addition, 600 feet long, to its Los Angeles plant. The main feature of its new operations is that no handling is required from the time ,i'nanufacturing starts until tlre wallboard comes through the finished product.
Central Lumber Company of Stockton has completed its new and modern plant, covering one entire city block. The new sheds are commodious and up-to-date, and the new warehouse and mill are located conveniently to the offices and sheds so that everything can be reached with a minimum of time.
San Diego Hoo-Hoo staged a successful concatenation the evening of. January 8. 15 kittens were initiated. 85 were present for dinner at the Golden Lion Tavern with Frank Park as master of ceremonies.
' Fr.rno Hoo-Hoo Club will be the guests of the San Joaquin L.umbermen's Club at a dinner dance in the ballroom of the Hotel Californian, Saturday evening, February 18.
An interesting article by Chas. looking Opportunities for Making appears in this issue.
Woodland Lumber Company has recently completed new warehouse at its yard at Woodland.
A group of California retail lumber and building material dealers were recent guests of the Celotex Company on a trip to its manufacturing operations in the South. They also spent several days in New York and visited the company's offices in Chicago.
Fred Roth, San Francisco, Bojum on the Hoo-Hoo Supreme Nine, attended a meeting of the Supreme Nine at Kansas City, Mo., on January 25.
The issue carries a lumber career sketch of Tack Los Angeles wholesale lumberman. Rea,
A large crowd recently gathered around White Brothers' plant at San Francsico, watching stevedores piling hardwood. One man would stand at the bottom of the pile and with one hand toss up large planks to another man who would catch them with one hand and drop them on the top of the pile. Investigation proved, however, that the men were handling Balsa, the extremely light weight South American wood. This wood only weighs about a quarter of a pound to the board foot. Two photographs, showing three young ladies of the company's office staff, holding good-sized planks, demonstrates the lightness of Balsa.