4 minute read
Ne* Typ" of \(/eather Proof Plywood Sidins
Hoquiam, Wash., Jan. 3O: The invention and perfection of a new type of weather proof plywood siding called "Ifarborside"-which will revolutionize the appearance of the exterior of homes, reduce building cost and increase employment in the fabricating and remodeling field-was announced here today by the Harbor Plywood Corporation, the nation's largest manufacturer of plywood. Lumbermen of the Pacific Northwest acclaim this new siding as another large outlet for the timber of this region.
The new siding is made from an exclusive weather-proof plywood known as "Super Harbord" which is hot pressed by an original method with a cresol-formaldehyde synthetic resin binder, which is insoluble in water.
"The development of Harborside marks the biggest step in exterior siding since the use of the rough hand-shaped boards used for lap siding in the old Colonial days," stated E. W. Daniels, vice-president and sales, manager of the Harbor Plywood Corporation. "This is the first successful adaption of plywood as a siding, bringing to side wail materials the inherent strength and non-splitting qualities available only in laminated wood products.
"Architects who have had a preview of Harborside," continued Mr. Danieli, "are enthusiastic over the apparently unlimited new treatments which are open to the craftsman with it. It places at their disposal an entirely new medium for the creation of permanently beautiful exteriors either in the conventional style or as expressed in modern trends. Harborside is being manufactured with both Redwood and fir facing, in four and eight-foot lengths, and with exposures ol 127/2,15, 18 and 23 inches.
"Harborside has been designed to meet the urgent need for a building material that would reduce building and maintenance costs," Mr. Daniels says. "Economies of application are accomplished through the wide surface covered plus a distinct saving in nails and nailing time, as evidenced by the fact that where a four-inch siding requires 3116 nails, the lZt/z inch Harborside only requires 8O3, and the 23-inch Harborside only 473 nails-to a thousand square feet.
"The large units can be applied rapidly. Contractors and builders see in Harborside a new channel for labor in that the ,craftsman is enabled to devote his talents to customizing the refined features of designs, made possible by Harborside."
One of the distinct features of Harborside is that it provides a real barrier to moisture. This is provided by the patented binder which absolutely prevents the passage of moisture from exterior to interior. and vice versa. This is of particular importance in painting, as painters can immediately follow carpenters, and ordinary paint disintegration due to undersurface moisture is completely eliminated.
Less frequent painting plus the prevention of paint blisters caused by internal moisture is definitely assured by the use of this material.
Harborside lends itself admirably to remodeling, as well as new construction, and many interesting treatments are permissible. Double-rabbeted lap-joints prevent the passage of moisture, and it can be laid r,r'ith an absolutely smooth surface or overlapping with many different efiects available through the application of special "Harmoulds" of the same material, as well as the conventional type of moulds.
The binder by which the plies are fused is toxic to termites, all insects and rodents. The cross-banded construction of Harborside prohibits shrinkage, swelling or splitting.
In Mexico City
Russell B. Stevens. of the A. F. Stevens Lumber Co.. Healdsburg, and Mrs. Stevens sailed on the Pennsylvania from San Francisco, January 31, to visit friends in Mexico City. They traveled by train to Mexico City from Acapulco, and expected to be back in about three weeks. "Russ" is an expert camera man and has promised his lumbermen friends in the Redwood Empire that he will bring some interesting pictures taken on the trip.
Just Wonderin'
I Wonder when I think of one Who led the way through bitter years, But never lost amid the gloom, The light of stars that shine through I pray that we may find each day, In quiet lane or busy mart, His faith to light the onward way, His courage in each patriot's heart.
I Wonder at the sublime courage of Abraham Lincoln, his wisdom, tolerance, integrity of purpose and his indomitable will to do. I Wonder at the veneration and love which he bestowed upon this, his native land, as expressed in his inaugural address-words which like their author, belong now to the ages,-words which are as applicable to our own days of strife and disaffection, as they were to the stormy days of secession which preceded the civil war.
"In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect, and defend it. I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We rnust not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle field and patriot's g'rave, to every living heart and hearth stone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the lJnion, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our natures."
I Wonder at the stability and simplicity of character which enabled Abraham Lincoln to at all times keep the common touch, to preserve his saving grace of humor, and to bring the easement of his gifts of wit and repartee to many a tense and gloomy moment. For'his great qualities of heart and soul we admire and venerate his name, but his homely virtues win our love and will make him near and dear to all succeeding generations.
Uncle Silas says: "I read the life of Lincoln to my Communist friend the other day, and he melted down like a tallow candle and confessed that it was the strongest argument for democracy and democratic institutions he had ever heard."
-A. Merriam Conner.
Calling On Retail Trade
Jack Ivey, field representative for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, Wash., is in Southern California, calling on the retail lumber trade. He is showing the Bureau's sound pictures, "The Home of the Wooden Soldier" and "Here's How" to retail lumber groups.
Vacationed In Southland
W. W. \Mooster, well known Spokane, Wash., wholesale lumberman, was vacationing in Los Angeles the latter part of January.
Philippinc ilahogany
Most Economical of the Laxariots
Tropical Hardutoods, Especially for TRIM, FIXTURES, FURNITURE, BOATS
New booklet, giving helpful suggestions on use of Philippine Mahogany in residential, commercial and institutionel buildings, evailable to architects. Write Philippine Mahogeny Manufacturers' Import Association, Inc., lll W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cel.
In every lllodern lSilchen
O PBERLBSS equipment gives your cue tomers a much better iob at a reasonable cost. Peerless Built-in Furniture brings you added direct profits, and added prestige in your community.