4 minute read
Quolity Counfs In the LOng l-t Run
California Pine Doors are preferred because: l. Their Iight weight and easy-worked texture reduces cost of hanging.
2. The surface is an ideal base for stains, lacquers, paintsand enamels. Cost less to finish. Make a handsome job. Will not "grain raise."
3. Light weight saves freight.
4. Bright color and attractive faces enhance the dealer's resale acceptance.
Red River California Pine Doors
Are made of kiln dried stock. Laminated core construction of best design and workmanship. Will not warp, shrink, check or twist. Will wilhstand any boiling or soaking test and the more severe test of time and weather.
California White And Sugar Pine
Sash - Doors - Moulding - Plywood - Veneers
I . Pattern Stocks - Box Shook - Cut Stocks
*,: " .. Shop Lumber - Specials to Order.
D6ot Stock for Manufacturers in Laminated and Solid Stocks
"Producers of White Pine f or Over Half a Century"

How Lumber Looks
The National Lumber Manufacturerr Agociation under date of Februery 18 rtates that repo'rtr from 339 of the leading roftwood mills of the countrSr indicate that orderg are maintaining the high plane recently establirhed a! Gorrpared with Lart year. Orders for the week ending February I I rrcre 58'0(X),(XX) feet, or 3O per cent larger than the correspondins perid of 1927i rhipmentr and production increared in much the rame proportion.
Conditionr in the California market rhow vety little change, and the demand is about lte rame at two weekr ago. Moot of the yards are keeping their rtockr low until after March 1, due to the annual tax assecmentr. With the tax asrerement period over, the yardr rhould rtart to ctock up and the market rhow improvemenL There are 41 lumber ve$eb tied up and 6 boats have been transferred t9 tfie off-rhore trade. The amount of uncold lumber on the dockr at San Pedro ir around 12 million feet, which containr mortly rough lumber and other items for which there ir not a ready rale; rtocks of 1x6, 2x6 and 2x4 com,rnon fir at thir port are rhort and lheee items are firm.
Cargo arrivals into Southern Cdifornia portr for rhe month of February will run arorurd 95 million feet, about 15 million feet lerr than the cargo receiptr for the rame month m 1927. Building permitr in the city of Loe .Angelee for February will be between $6'O00,O(X) and $7,(XX),(XX).
The Douglas fu millr of the Northwert report conditionr as quite ratirfactory and there ir rufficient buriness coming in to hold pricer firm. The railwey bucinec ir active, rail iternr are firrn and the Atlantic Coart denrand ir good. The log market ir firm with production rurning about SOVo and the loggerc are rupplying the mills at the prerent rate of production.
Redwood. Market ie firm. Stocks are fair in all grader. Proapectr for future businecr are good. For the week ending February 18, the California Redwood Association barometer rhowed, 15 milb reporting: Ordere Received, 6'765M ft.; Production, 9,O64M ft.; Shipmentr, 9,618M ft. For the year 1928-to February 18, 15 mille report: Ord'err Received, 55,645 M ft.; Production, 59,736 M ft.; Shipmentr, 47,7OtM ft.
Cblifornia White and Sugar Pine. Pricer generally are unchanged. White Pine rhop ir a trife firmer. Export burinerr ir quiet. Production according to the Asrociation frgurer, from Jenuary 1 to February 11 totded 68,653r(XX) fL, a decrease of 5.6Vo frorn 1927. Shipmenta totaled 128'684,000 ft. for the rarne period, 9.6Vo decr.enrse fror,n 1927, andOrderrReceived from January I to February 1l amount€d to 129r567r(X)O ft., a decrea;e of l4.6Vo from the s'a,me period in 1927.
For the week ending Fcbruary 18, the West Coa* Lumbertnen'r A$ociation barometer, lf 3 mitb reporting, rhow' ed: Production, 1181110,023 ft.; Nerr Burineu, 126'884'859 ft.; Shipmentr, l2O'.M9,098 ft. For the fuet 7 weeks of 1928, f 13 milts report: Production, 723r424r967M ft.; New Bruine*,778,744'967 ft.; Shipmcnts, 7OQ938,909 ft.
For the week ending February 18, the Southern Pine Arsociation barometer, based on 108 mills, reported: Production, 6711371633 ft.; New Burinecr, 7212661051 ft.; Shipmentq 66,1 76,352 ft.
West Coast Lumbermen's Association and Lumber Bureau Merge

'W'. B. Greeley Appointed Secretary-Manager
/ Col. W. B. Greeley, Chief Forester of the United States, Griggs, St. Paul & Tacoma Lbr. Co., Tacoma; ,E. K. { rvas announced as the new secretary-manager of the con- Bis[op, E. K. Bishop Lumber Co., Aberdeen; Chas. I4*!., solidated organization of the West Coast lumber industry, Lewis Mills & Timber Co., Raymond; W. W. Clark, Clarkresulting from the meetings of the West Coast Lumber- Wilson Co., at large; J. D. Tennant, Long-Bell Lbr. Co., rnen's Association and the West Coast Lumber Trade Ex- Columbia River; R. H. Burnside, Willapa Lumber Co., tension Bureau at Seattle, on February 17. By a majority Portland; A. C. Dixon, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.; Willamvote of members of both organizations, it was formally ette Valley; Myron Woodard. Silver. FallsTimber Co., agreed that the two g'roups join forces, as soon as business Silverton; C. D. Johnson, Pacific Spruce Corp., Newport. details can be completed, ths--!,erv SrgaqizaJigns to be A splendid tribute was paid by the large assembly of :.knolp'n .as the West Coast Lumbermen's Associati.=19:/ manufacturers to Robert B. Allen, who has been manager Yne ?ffiintriten!<ffioffite-f -wds--Jfiffin-ced by of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the pist George S. Long of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company ten years, rvhen accepting his resignation. for the new joint board of trustees appointed at the meet- Colonel Greeley was selected to manage the joint activiings. This nerv board which will work out the details of ties of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, according the amalgam'ation consists of the following lumbermen, to George S. Long, chairman of the nominating committee, representing the different lumber producing districts of the because of his understanding of the industry, known fairWest Coast: H. A. La Plant, Skagit Mill Co., Bellingham ness, executive ability, and the confidence which he will district; Geo. S. Long, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Everett; inspire in the public mind. Greeley is the outstanding auR. W. Vinnedge, North Bend Timber Co., Seattle; E. G. thority on forestry problems in America today.