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.KJVow Trun LuntnER You Buvt
*Long-Bell identified lumber ad lumber products are available nationally-Douglas Fir Lumber md Timbers, Douglas Fir Window FraneFwestem Hemlck LumbeeSouthem Pine Lumber md Timbergjothern
Hrdwood Lumber md Timbers, Oak Flming-California White Pine Lmber, Srh md Dors, Box Shoks-Crewoted Lumber, Tinbers, Pctq Poles, Ties, Guard-Rail Pots, Piling.
EARLY everything you wear or eat or use ln any way bears the name or the trade-marked emblem of the firm who made it. Identified merchandise is almost as common as the air we breathe. It is the spirit of modern business. Today, manufacturers are proud of their products andFurthermore, manufacturers know that unless their goods are identifiedit would be difricult to advertise and merchandise them effectively and definitely-either themselves or those retailers who distribute them.
The Long-Bell brand on lurnber and lurnber products ie an identification thot carries through to the consumer the prool that he is obfaining the product of a manufacturer who is willingto bach it uith his natne,