4 minute read
Unique Organization Holds Annual Convention L927 Successful Year
Signalizing the close of one of the most successful years in its history, the Northwestern MutualFire Association of Seattle, held the annual conference of its Southwestern fieldmen on February 9 and 10 at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles.
This unique organization was founded in 1901. It is a member of the Lumber Mutual Conference, an association of mutual fire insurance companies well known among the lumber and woodworking industry throughF. I..Mortin, Presiilent of out the country.
Northzuestem.Mutual Fire Owned entirely by the policy- Assocratrton' holders who "5-ptir. ii, tfr. Northwestern Mutual operates principally thiough trained salaried fieldmen and inspectors who are employed to cooperate with policyholders and property owners generally in preventing fire losses.
During 1927, $1,196,681 was returned to policyholders in cash dividends representing unused profit,while $2,- ffi,792 was paid back in losses. In addition, admitted cash assets were increased $274,510, while the policyholders' surplus for payment of future losses was increased from $3,310,759 to $3,613,215. Since organization, more than eleven and one-half million dollars have been returned to policyholders in dividends and savings, while more than sixteen million six hundred thousand dollars have been paid back to policyholders in losses. President Martin stated to the convention that carelessness is the principal reason for America's terrificfire wastage, which now exceeds $500,000,000 annually-carelessness of property owners in neglecting fire prevention and carelessness on the part of insurance companies in lax selection of risks and inadequate inspections.
Mr. Martin pointed out that insurance rates depend in no small degree upon the manner in which insurance comPanies select their policyholders. He stated that the low loss ratios enjoYed bY mutual fire insurance comPauies senerallv are a direct result of ih"it poficy of rigid selection and inspection of risks.
A*otg those who attended the recent Jonvention were A' Y' 'Baker, Assistant to President, Seattle: T. H. Edwards, executrve Vl;" Pr-esident, Seattle; T' C' A. C. Baker, Manager Howay, Superintendent AutgSouthern Calif ornia be- *"fitJDepairtment, Seattle LA. part'nent' c. Baker, \ianager southe-rn california Department, Los Angeles; W. F. -Snyder, M.agas$ Central Cilifornia Department, San Francisco; and r' r-' Overend, Field Repreientative, California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
The following representatives attended:
San Francisco: W. F. Snyder, Manager; J.-L'--M3yiI?, C. W. Brennan, J.D. Phillipi, C. P. Eu9il' H: jr' wg:tstone, C. J. Corrigan, Oakland; A. A. Pebbles, Marysville' Fresno: A. Sorenson.
Visalia: E. B. McPherson, Stockton: R. P. Haydon, I\{anager; George Latham' San Diego: J. B. Newman.
Phoenix:.I. C. Raymond, Manager; A. C. Meyers, Stewart. I
Los Angeles: C. S. Edwards, L. D. Hagebush, 9,' L' Dartnell. d. Christian, ts. W. Brown, C. Schreiber, H. B. Hall, W. J. Stevens, J. B. Zweigart, W. B. Mahony, N9tman'Beckiey, A. E.'Corey, A. J.-Gordon, Arthur Almquist'
P olcr-Pilc+4rcorotcd Mrtcriel
Central Building TRinity 6332
6hr",d"ul home plan ha.r many oriAinal drj[rnctrv,e thouehLs.-each playrnA ite pa"[ in producrn6 th6 atFracb. |veness ancl Con/enlences reFlecLed.
Mav we ask bhab vou grve Ehe vanou.s detiils rncorporated vour mos[ careFirl consid.6rahon

San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club
(Continued from Page 25) for the State Association, and J. lI. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, president, Sacramento vallev Lumbermen't"itlil;r. Session
The president appointed as a nominating committee, George C. Burnett, A.J. Russell, H. C. Kofoid and Ray Clotfelter. He then said a few words in favor of wooden shingles, telling of his own experience in marketing good vertical grain 5/2 shingles, which last almost indefinitely when put on with good nails.

The Secretary, Frank F. Minard, C. S. Pierce Lumber Co., Fresno, read the minutes of the last meeting, and reported an increase of four new members.
The Treasurer, Ben Maisler then presented his report, and this was followed by the report of the auditing committee, and the nominating committee.
J. F. Wright, Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Porterville, brought upthe subject of Mississippi flood control, and the Club went on record as favoring federal government responsibility for the cost of control of this flood situation,
A most successful .annual meeting was concluded with the Annual Complimentary Cabaret Dinner Dance, held in theHotel Californian Ballroom and very largely attended. The club was host to the Directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and their ladies, and to the Hoo Hoo Club of Fresno. No. 31. and their ladies. A splendid entertainment was provided, wonderful food and lovely music for dancing.The Cgrnmittee of Arrangements headed by Ben Maisler, Chairman, with W. K. Kendrick. and J. C. Ferger as able helpers did a fine job, with the result that everybody had a delightful evenrng.
Ladies'attendance prizes were won by, Mrs. G, D. Weyant, Fresno, lst Prize;Mrs. Ernest Esch, Madera,Znd Prize, and Mrs. E. Haas, Fresno, 3rd Prize. The Musical Chair Contest produced lots of fun for the spectators and competitors, and was won by Mr. Paul Merner, Palo Alto. The registration at the noon meeting was as follows:
C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co. .. . .. ..Whittier Ben Maisler. Maisler Brothers .,:.... ...... Fresno
C. H. Griffen, Jr., Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co.....Santa Cruz Walter Hardwick, Dinuba Lumber Co. Dinuba
P. G. Galle, Western Lumber Co. Reedley
E. P. Ruth, Reedley Lumber Co. Reedley
A. E. Johnson, Laton Lumber Co. ., Laton
Directors of California Retail Lumbermen's Association who Attended Meeting
and instructed the secretary to writetheir Congressman and State Senators informing them of this action.
R. E. Caldwell, Little River Redwood Co. . San Francisco
George A. Good, Good Lumber Co. Tracy
J. F. Wright, Brey-Wright Lumber Co. ... .. Porterville
H. C. Kofoid, H. C. Kofoid Lumber Co. . . Caruthers
Arthur H. Kelly, A. H. Kelly Lumber Co. Visalia
A. J. Crow, C. S. Pierce Lumber Co. Kerman
E. E. Schlauthauer, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co. ... Fresno
J. E. Holt, Deacon Lumber Co. , Lanare
Chas. P. Curran, Cqrran
The club decided to join the other Valley 'clubs in a joint rneeting at Stockton, favoring April 7 or 14, which Lver date is most suitable to the three clubs. The President in recalling the fact that three years had elapsed since the last joint meeting, said that it was one of the most construitive meetings he had ever attended, and hoped they would be able to arrange a joint meeting once a year in future. OPERATING tV.
(Continued on Page 46)