2 minute read
Pspsnt or More Rcd Heart
-lOO Percent Oil Contcot
Gcnuiac Tcnncrcc Aronetic Rcd Ccdar, rccurrtcly nrrru. frcturc4 tong:uc rnd groovcd rnd cnd nrtchcd. Cortr ao noro thrn unlnown bnndr. Mrdc by Gcorgc C; Brown & Co, Mcnphir, world'r lergcrt manufacturcr of Tcnrrc..c. Aronrtic Rcd Ccdrn
Scelcd ia doublc-fecc fibrc borrd cartonr r3rinet dutg dirg drmpncl or drmt3c irl rhipping or .torrgc.
For circular and quotatiot addrcssz
Large and Acsorted Stocke of
The Perfect Surfacii For ET{AITIEL FINISH
Quarter and trhree-eighth! inch 3 Ply-[8r 24, 30 and 36 inches wide to 84 inches Iong-all grades
One-eigl*hinch clear rotary cut veneer, 18 to 48 inches wide to 86 inchea long
Manufactured by the coos VENEER & BOX CO.
Marghfield, Oregon
Banker: "You sold all your cotton and you want a loan anyway? What became of your money?"
Rastus: "De ducks got it."
Banker: "The ducks got it?"
Rastus: "Yassuh, de ducks got it. Dey deduckted fo de frcight, dey deduckted fo de weighing, dey deduckted fo dc kermishun-de ducks got it all." (Bruce.)
"Possibly because I wish to do penance for my sins, or for some other equally silly reason, I sometimes go to a certain minister's chufch. Whenever I listeh to one of his rerrnons I say, "There is a marl who is fully equipped by nature to be a manufacturer of heavy iron castings.' Nothing about the man suggests love or sweetness or gentleness. Hisrtalk hardens me' He awakens in me a 'Iet me kill the umpire'feeling. Laughter and joy depart. He would have beeq ideal to stifren the backbones of those who conducted the crucifixion" (Dreier.)
Utterly Without Warning
"Did you, utterly without warning, assault this poor insurance salesman and throw hirn into the street?" demanded the public prosecutor.
"Yes, sir," quietly replied the business man, "three successive times."
Life Insurance
Life insurance is among the nobler, saner activities of human experience. It looks beyond the present. It is a material, practical business, but includes the divinest elements of the truest altruism, of the noblest ethics as well. Progressive countries have learned the value of this mighty influence in life.
America, in this as in so many other activities affecting the national life and character, leads the world. The nation, in a very real sense, leans on the life insurance to$rers of strength and financial assurance. To the people they are stable anghors of security and hope. (Cincinnati Inquirer.)
Were I A Dealer
I would paint my name on the fences; I would picture my goods on the sheds, I would send my cards to the brides-to-be, And call on the newly-weds !
I would make a list of the grand-dads, And the dear grandmothers too; The preachers and painters
The rvorkmen and women
The poor and the well-to-do.
I'd deluge them all with letters, Explaining their need of ME, I'd picture my store as a bit of the town That everyone in it should sec.
And when they arrived I'd extend the glad hand The moment they entered the door, With just such a greeting that after the meeting They'd all buy their goods in my store.
Sneaking Off
"Hornr do you play hookey from correspondence school? "I send them an empty envelope."