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IlfcG,ortnich lumber on lleGorrRtck shlps -fastr dependable servlce!
McCORMICK lumber . . . the choice of Pacific Northwest tim' ber. .logged in McCormick camps.. ctlt in McCormick mills. .. shipped on McC,ormick vessels ! Truly a complete lumber service !
McCormickcontrol of everyoperation means dependability of quality and service for you! Ve are rcady to fill your orderc for any lumber within the range of Vest Coast woods.
In addition to cargo facilities, our rail department is equipped to givefast service into California and Arizona. Let our nearest representativeor sales office quote you on straight or mixed cars.
Harry Lake, Garden Grove Lumber Co., Garden Grove, was elected a'director for hisdistrict, succeeding I. L. Ott, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Santa Ana, who has been transferred by his company to Los Angeles, at the meeting of the directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association held at Fresno. Februarv 18.
'lhe directors received tire report'of theplan service committee, and decided against making any plan service affiliation, leaving members to make their own choice.
The proposed advertising plan of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association was discussed and endorsed, ahd the secretary rvas instructed to send a wire to the National association informing them of this action, but suggesting that the rvork should be handled through the state associations instead of going direct to individuals.

A. W. Bernhauer, Fresno Planing Mill, vice-president of the Millwork Institute of California gave a short talk on "standard Sash and Door Schedules."-
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary, who is back on the job again after undergoing an operation for sinus trouble, rvas asked to attend the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association convention at Salt Lake City, February 23-25, as a delegate from California.
Directors present were: Paul Hallingby, president, Los Angeles; R. F, Wells, vice-president Northern district, Turlock; Chas. P. Curran, Pomona; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier; J. Frank Wright, Porterville; J. H. Shepard, Sacramento; Elmore King, Bakersfield; F. Dean Prescott,
Fresno; E. T. Robie, Auburn; Paul M. P. Merner, Palo Alto; C. G. Bird, Stockton; George H. Bentley, Glendale; A. E" Fickling, Long Beach; Henry L. Wills, Gilroy; C. H. Griffen, Jr., Santa Cruz; Earl White, Oakland; O. W, Hamilton, San Diego.
John Olson Undergoes Operatton
John Olson, Los Angeles, manager of the Chas. R. McCotmick Lumber Co., recently underwent an operation at the Hollywood Hospital. He has been convalescing very nicely and is expected to be back to his desk around the first of the nionth.
P. C."Pete" I\4cNevin, general sales manager of the Pacific Lumber Company, left San Francisco February 9, on a business trip to Chicago and New York. He was accompanied by Mrs. McNevin, and expects to be away from headquarters about four weeks.
Urges Nursery At Susanville
The Susanville Hoo Hoo Club has sent a letter to Cong'ressman H. L. Englebright asking his cooperation toward the establishment of a federal forest nursery near Susanville, California. This communication is in support of the request for such a nrlrsery recently made by S. B. Show, U. S. District Forester for California.
They are here to stay so write in for our man. ufacting agents' pro. gram.