2 minute read
Oak Floors " made" these ftouses
The exterior beauty of these lovely homes is carried into theinterior through the use of 'Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring.
You can depend upon "Perfection." In two modern plants operated by skilled lumbermen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kiln-drying, it is perfectlymilled and matched so that it lays smooth and stays smooth. It is graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition. Leading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
There's a size and grade for every structure, new or old. Write today for full particulars.
Arkansas Oak Flooring
Pine Bluff, Ark.
The Ten Commandments For The Redwood Salesman
By J.W. Pearson, Supt. Redwood Manufacturers Company, Pittsburg, California.
1. Thou shalt accept no argument fromthe trade in favor of substitutes for REDWOOD.
Thou shalt remember that the best interests of REDWOOD can be served by being of genuine service to the customer. He profits most who serves best.
Thou shalt not take the name of Sequoia Sempervirens in vain but thou shalt preach its virtues to all users of wood, for the Industry will not hold him guiltless who repudiates his allegiance to REDwooD.
Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor extolling the virtues of REDWOOD, but the seventh day is thy day of rest. Init thou shalt do no work except to write up thy orders and reports.
Honor Sequoia Sempervirens that thy day of employment be long, and thy services to REDWOOD many. Forget not that the moral position of REDWOOD is unassailable.
Thou shalt not kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Remember that REDWOOD is thy meal ticket, and no one can rule thee out for trying.
Thou shalt not admit of adulterated products. Combat all rivals ,of and all substitutes for REDWOOD. Thou shalt not steal thy competitor's arguments for they are valueless. Use the REDWOOD manual for thv creed.
9. Thou shalt. not bear false witness against thy rival. The well known short lifeof his product will do it for thee.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's stucco house, nor his stucco garage, nor his asbestos roof, nor his tile drainboard, nor his gum woodwork, nor anything that is thy neighbor's that partakes of substitutes for REDWOOD.
Harry Easom, the well known San Francisco wholesale lumber dealer, is handling the San Francisco sales of the hew Parker weatherproof and rattleproof window jamb, manufactured by the Parker Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland. According to the manufacturer severe tests under actual conditions have been given frames with the new jamb built into them, with results that have been very satisfactory. The principle of the device is a metal cushion which ihsures a snug fit of all sashes and doors, and the cost of installation is small.