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Helping You Sell Shevlin Pine
qI-IE,VLIN service is not through when - yor'r stock Shevlin Pine. We helP you sell it too.
Every month, doublepage advertisements in color appear in magazines telling about Shevlin Pine. Practically everyarchitect and contractor in the nation and many prospective home owners read these publications.
Bringing this nearer home, nearly every one of your customers and pros' pects see the Shevlin Pine advertising every month. These building material buyers are told to go to the leading dealers for Shevlin Pine.
The book, "specify Shevlin Pine" will help bring them to your place. This book contains interesting information on Pine for architects, contract' ors and dealers. If you haven't a copy, tear out this page, write Your name and address in the margin. mail it to us and we will send you one.
Then, if you wish, send us the names and addresses of your architect and contractor customers and prospects. If they have not already received the book. we will send them one, telling them it is at your request andthat you can supply Shevlin Pine.
You will thus gain full benefit of thc Shevlin Pine advertising.
Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company
900 First Nati5nal Soo Line Bldg., Minneapolis, MinnChicago Sales Offce: ls66Contincntaland Commercial Banh Bldg. San Francisco Sales Oftcz: 1028 Monadnock Building
Solil in NewYorhby N.H. Morgan, 1205 GravbarBuilding