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Centml California Lumbermen's Club
The Central California Lumbermen,s Club held its reg- ular monthly meeting at the Lincoln Hotel, Stockton, dn ,z Saturday, February 11. George E. Ground, Modesto Lum/ ber Co., the club's president, lresided, and W. H. Falconbury, San Joaqtrin Lumber Co., was chairman of the day. Prominent among guests welcomed by the president were J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, president of the Sacramento Vallev Lumbermen's Clu_bl J. H. Neighbor, Neighbor's Lumber'yard, Oakland, and Earl E. White, East Bay Lumber Co., Oaklancl.
l W..Herbert Graham, Cosmopolitan Building & Loan
Association. Oakland, rvas the speaker of the daly. He told of the successful _operation of a- Builders, Clearing House in O_akland, which he said worked well for the pritection o{ those. supplying materials for jobs handle<i through the clearing house, and suggested that a similar institrrti6n could be formed in Stock[on, with advantage to all in the building material business. Questions on the subject were answered by the speaker. Among those taking part in the discussion were: O. V. Wilsoi, J. H. Nei[hbor, _ll*k Fisher, R. F. Wells, W.H. Falconbury and E-arl E, White.
^ At the suggestion of C. D. LeMaster, secretary of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, the club went on record as favoring a joint meeting of the three Valley clubs to be held in April, and on the invitation of A. Fi. Martin, Hales & Symons Lumber Co., Sonora, decided to hold their May meeting in Sonora.
The next meeting of the club will be held in Tracy, March 10.
'The following attended the meeting:
J. U. Gartin, Stanislaus Lumber Co. ...Modesto
A. Wilhelm, Irwin Lumber Co. . Escalon
W. O. Mashik, United Lumber Yards . Modesto
9. {. 89r.V, C. A. Berry & Sons ....Valley Springs
A. R. Martin, Hales & Symons ...,.Sonoia
H. W. Besecker, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co. ..;.Oakdale
O. D. Ruse, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co.... ......Stockton
J. J. Farley, The Pacific Lumber Co. ....San Francisco
Geo. W. Robinson, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.....Stockton
C. A. I-Itterback Material Dealers' Association ...Stockton
F, F. Fisher, Fisher Bros. Lumber & Mill Co..... .Stockton
R. C. Thompson, The Timberman San Francisco
H. M. Isenhower, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co..........Sacramento
Chas. M. Moorehead, frwin Lumber Co. Escalon
R. F. Wells, West Turlock Lumber Co. . Turlock
O. V. Wilson, Central Lumber Co. ....Stockton
W. C. McMillen, San Joaquin Building-Loan Assn.
J. R. Neylan, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. ..San Francisco
Earl E. White. East Bay Lumber Co. . Oakland
E. M. Lewis. Security Building-Loan Assn.
J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co. .........Sacramento w. c. s.'Ci.r"a; 'M;;;;;
C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club...
W. H. Falconburv. San Joaouin Lumber Co. . Stockton
J. H. Neighbor. Neighbor's Lumber Yard ......Oakland
L. H. Elliott, Valley Lumber Co. ... ...Lodi
W. T. Black, The California Lumber Merchant San Franciscc