3 minute read
Surface Type Cabinet Irontngboard
For Old Homes or ApartusntrAlro ldeal for NewConrbrrction
Easy to Install-l J fulinuges-snd ready for Use.
Applied to the wall or on a door by six screwsnine inches above the foor. Easy to operate-has our patented two height feature-adjustable ironing height accomplished without cumbersome attachments.
SPECIFICATIONS: Made of Clear White Pine, with Fir Panels-Natural Finish-Width l7/4", Height72",Thickness I y4"-Neatly moulded frame-Screw holes are drilled in frame-all hardware applied-Carton packed-Weight 30lbs. Priced Reasonably.
THE CALIFORNIA DooR COMPANY, 239 Central Avenue, Los Angeles
HAMMOND LUMBER COMPANY, 2010 so. Alameda street, Los Angeles
AMERICAN DooR COMPANY, 58l0 So. Normandie Avenue, Los Angeles
Advertiring Dept., American Manuftacturing and Sales Corporation, United States of America
Theyte Btf"8 Yeltour
Jaruary 25, 1928

Santa Fs LuDbor Co.
16 Caufornla streot san Franclsco, Callf.
O€ntlenon: we Just roc€lved Cs #NP 44562, 9tt- talnlng Floorlng shlppod fron tho Central CoaL & Coke conpany, of vernonia, oFgon. tushlng you contlnuod ruccqls, te aro vety trul.y yours, /'1.
Wo aro vory glad to erprgls our latlsfactlon ovor tl)e contonts of thls cal! es bolng the samo hlgh cl.ass F!.oorlng ws havc recolved ln prgvloua cara.
The fJne textuEd, soft, porfoctly klln drlod OLD OROIVTA YELLoll FIR, vlth a nLUlng Job. that ls ln a claas by 1ts6l.f, mkc! lt a ploaswo for ud to speclfy "4C" on our Floorlng orders.
Kiln.Dried Fir wins the good will of dealerst customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in even/ food' of our Old Growtir Yellow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln,dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri. can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
Watchthese ads and read what others say about this dependable lumben dAiilas
(A. J. "Gus" Russell)
Distributors in Calitornia and AtiTona
Geneto,l Offces: San Francisco, California St. Clair Building f 6 California Street
So. Califonia Oftce: I-os Angeles, California 39? Pacific Electric Building Biucc L Burtajrnc, Agent "sudden Seruice'
General Offces: Kansas City, Missouri
(Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.)
Directors lJnanimo'usly Vote in Favor of Putting the Association Financial Guarantee Behind All Grade-Marked V' Lumber Made by Members of the National Trade Extension Group-Lumber to Be Up to GradeMark or the Buyer Gets His Money Back
Washington, February 10.-A determined effort to create a nation-wide consumer preference for lumber of guaran- teed quality has been launched by the Executive Committee of the board of directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association through its Trade Extension Department. At its recent meeting in Washington, the Comm:ittee unanimously recommended to the Tiade Extension Committee a sweeping program for grade-marking and trade-marking the lumber made by members of the National Lurnber Trade Extension group.
It is intended to draw a clear line bf distinction for the mutual benefit of users and manufacturers of lumber, between good lumber, well-manufactured, carefully graded and accurately sized under American Lumber Stindard rules, on the one hand, and inferior lumber, poorly manufactured, unseasoned and carelessly graded, bn the other.
-It is-_definitely proposed to put the financial guarantee of the National Lumber Manufacturers Associatidn behind every stick of grade-marked lum,ber from the mills authorized to use the Association trade-mark.
W. M. Leuthold, president of the Deer Park Lumber Co., Deer Park, Wash., was elected president of the Western Pine Association at the 22nd annual meeting of the association held at Spokane, February 7 and 8. Walter Neils, J. Neils Lumber Co., Libby, Mont. was elected vice-president, and H. K. Brooks, general manager of the BrooksScanlon Lumber Co., Bend, Ore., was re-elected treasurer.
A plan to trade mark lumber produced in the mills of the association was adopted, and it was decided to use for this purpose a printing machine invented by D. R. Tanner, superintendent of the Bowman-Hicks Lumber Co., La Grande, Ore. The marking machines will be installed behind the planers and will print the name of the species, the company trade-mark, the number of the mill and the name of the association on the lumber as it passes through.
Secretary-manag'er A. W. Cooper urged the improvement of merchandizing methods, and advised extension of the work now being done by the association.

Shingle Ordinance Passed In San Francisco
In the opinion of the Committee no greater service can be rendered to the buyers and users of lumber, and to the cause of practical conservation.
Construction recently began on the DuBois sawmill on the old Menefee site at Rainier. Ore. The mill will have a capacity of 75,000 feet daily and will employ about 50 men.
San Francisco Board of Supervisors $ave final passage to the anti-shingle ordinance at their meeting on February 15 by a vote of 12 to 6. The ordinance which is an amendment to the building law provides that shingles cannot be used in new construction anywhere in San Francisco except in a part of the Mission district and in Butchertown. The amendment also provides that roofs in the prescribed area becoming damaged to the extent of 20 per cent through fire, decay or otherwise, must be replaced with fire-resistant materials, meeting the approval of the board of fire wardens. The amendment was adopted without discussion, and will take effect immediately.