2 minute read
San Joaquin Valley Club Re-elects All Officers ^tAnnual Meeting
Club Acts as Host to Directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and to the Hoo Hoo Club of Fresno No. 31
F. -Dean Prescott, general manager of the Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, was re-elected president of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, at the annual meeting of the club hel<l at the Californian Hotel, Fresno, February 18. S. P. Ross, Central Lumber Company, llanford, was re-elected first vice-president, and Charles Schafier, Citi- treasurer, and Frank F. Minard, manager of C. S. Pierce Lrlmber Company, Fresno, was re-electid secretary.
There was a large attendance of members at the luncheon,
1augmented by the directors of the California Retail Lum- bermen's Association, who were guests of the club, and a pumber of other guests. zens' Lumber Company, Kingsburg', was elected second vice-president.
Ben Maisler of Maisler Bros.. Fresno. was re-elected presided, and introduced the State a number of those present for short the State Association. said they had a good meeting, and they hoped to get 100 per cent membership in the association. He assured those who join that they will get their money's worth. One of the subjects discussed, he said, was the matter of joint purchase. of large quantities of strip shingles and roofing to engble lumber dealers to compete with the big mail o$z{ houses.
Check up on Weaver Roofs from every sclling point. Do a good job of it. You'll find they are built to satisfy the most exacting customersr{nd to keep them satisfied. And that b the thing that makes your business grow.
-Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, president of the State Association, told of the working of the new Los Angeles association, and of their success in enrolling as members 92 out of 104 yards in the metro- which he is secretary-manager, had accomplished in San Disgo by co-operation. vA. ll, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Fran- r,. A. I. "Gr'"". R$.SFll, I umber ciffi, gave abrief review of lumber manufacturing con- ditions in the Northwest as he saw them onhis recent trip through that territory. He said the mills now realize they must make only the amount of lumber that can be consumed. Mr. Russell, who was suffering from a somewhat painful eye a{Iection asked W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co. to read a letter written by Charles S. Keith, president of the Central Coal & Coke Co. on lumber con- politan area that were not members of any other assoclatlon.
C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., gave a brief talk on the proposed four year publicity campaign of the National Retail- Lumber Dealers' Association, to sell the retail lumber dealer to his local community.
O. W. Hamilton, San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego, told members what the Lumbermen's Service Bureau, of ditions, and also a letter written to him by Jack Dionne, publisheg of this journal, giving his reasons for believing bther speakers were: Earl E. White, East Bay Lumber Co., Oaklind;EarlE. Bowe, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Los Angeles; Paul Overend, field man
Itrat prdaucers of lumber are going to have a much better ye;r(in 19'28 than they had last__y9q.

(Continued on Page 45)