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ABe not guaranteed-r"-ii';f# \Tro STORIES for 2O years-Some less
Once More
The epidemic of Scotch stories continues, and good ones are frequent. One of the recent ,,quickies,' on the ..closd, race isthat of the Scotchman who ofrered one thousand pounds to any man who would swim the Atlantic ocean.
When, to his surprise, several entries were immediately announced for the contest, he amended his offer by saying that he meant they must swim it under urater all the way.
Then, there is theboywho worked all year for the
WHEELER, oscooSo?1?i"rrvE vrsrrs
W. R. Ripley, treasurer of the Wheeler, Osgood Company, Tacoma, manufacturers of the famous "Laminex" doors, visited California in February. While in San Francisco he conferred with L. J. Woodson the company's Northern California representative, and at Los Angeles with Bob , Osgood, manager of the company's Souihern California branch. Mr. Ripley made the trip by automobile, accompanied by his wife ind family.
the Scotch
Scotchman, and on January first was called in by the boss, and addressed as follows:
"Sandy, I'm very much pleased with your service. you 'have worked hard and faithfully,the business has been good, and the year has been very successful for me. To show my appreciation, here is a check for oqe hundred dollars. And next year if you. work just as hard, and my business continues to be successful, you bring me that check on January first AND I'LL SIGN IT FOR yOU."
A Redwood burl plaque, a replica of the seal of the State of California, was presented to the new steamship California on the occasion of the big ship's first visit io San Francisco.
_ Tf" plaque was carved by Samuel Berger from a piece of California Redwood that had its youth dlring the ieign of the Pharaohs.
The presentltion was made .by R. B. Hale, president of the California Development Association.