2 minute read
In Growlng Demand
Plirtei'€ri, choose lf,onottth'Plastlc llraterproot Port. tand Gernent lor ltr taster, easler Govcf' age. Gontractors |tnow that for the cane coct they can doabetterfob.
Ownerr preler Mon, oltth becaure lt ac. surec abcolute wat' erprootnelr. Dlono' llth lr uncqualled lor stucco wallrt loundatloorr retaln, lng wallcl rcc€r. volrq rwlnnlngpoolrr condultc, danc and lltoc.
Are you taklngadvantage ol the growlng dernand torthlc trulytttartlcwaterproof cg. nGnt?
Sandblasted Redwood Panel Wins
$750 PRIZE
A panel of sandblasted Redwood in natural color, with a black border, a picture of which is herewith reproduced, rvon a $750 piano, first prize in a competition put on by the J. Raymond Smith Co. of San Francisco. Competitors were required to rearrange a group of jumbled letters, the prizes to be given to the most artistic and original entries submitted, and it is a great tribute to the artistic possibilities of sandblasted Redwood that the judges awarded the first prize to the Redrvood entry, out of the many hundreds of entries submitted,
Roy M. Evans, Petaluma Granite & Marble Works, Petaluma, was the prize winner and the man who did the work. He used a piece of 1x8 straight grain Redwood 30 inches long.
It is interesting to note that results similar to hand carving can be obtained by machine methods, and many other effects not even possible by hand tooling, such as driftwood effects.
Among many other uses, sandblasted designs are being used on candy boxes and other commercial fancy boxes, commercial signs, ornamental plaques and panels for interior decoration, and it is safe to predict a great future for this work, orving to the infinite variety of designs which are possible and the speed and ease with which they can be produced.
B. W. Byrne, vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles District, has appointed the following to serve on the Nine for the coming year : Senior IIooIIoo, Leo Rosenberg; Junior lfoo Hoo, C. J. Laughlin; Bojum, Ted Lawrence; Scrivenoter, Floyd Dernier; Jabberwock, Phil Hart; Custocatian, A. B. McAlpine; Arcanoper, Jack Rea; Gurdon, Paul Penberthy. Snark Byrne selected for the Nine members who joined the Order about the same time he was initiated. He plans on holding several concatenations and dinner dances during the year.
L. R. Gaynor, Gaynor Masters Lumber Co., Seattle, Wash., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office conferring with Paul M. Masters, manager of their Southern California operations.
There was a large turnout at the regular meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club on Thursday, February 23. The meeting was designated as Redwood Day. E. A. Goodrich, general manager of the Union Lumber Co., was the chairman of the day. George F. Squires, The Pacific Electric Co., was the speaker of the day and gave an excellent talk on "Rail Transportation-ANewand Important Factor in the Development of Los Angeles Harbor."A night meeting will be held during the month of March and Harry lfanson was appointed chairman of the arrangement committee: the meeting will be called"A Night in a Logging Camp" and a big time is anticipated.
Announces Arrival Of Baby Boy
Max Cook, San Francisco, Agricultural Engineer with the California Redwood Association, is announcing the arrival of a fine baby boy on February 22. The baby has been named Max McKinnon Cook. As the youngster was born on Washington's birthday, Max had a hard time resisting the advice of his many friends and well wishers to the extent of naming the boy "G. \M." or at least incorporating one of these famous names. Max states that he will be content if he becomes a good farmstead engineer.