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Monolith Makes First Shipments from Lanmie Plant
First shipments of cement now are being made from the $2,000,000 plant of the Monolith Portland Midwest Company near here, the newest industrial giant of the MidContinent territory, which started prod--uction operations early in January,'and plins call for the sending out of regular shipments from now on to all parts of the area served.
Wyoming, Colorado, 'Western Kansas and Nebraska comprise the district being supplied with the products of the new cement mill, which are regular portland cement and Monolith plastic waterproof portland cement. The plant is what is known as a "wet process" mill and has an initial capacity of 2000 barrels daily. It is so laid out that its capacity may be increased to approximately 6000 barrek daily by installation of additional equipment.
The Company is controlled and managed by the same interests that own, control and operate the Monolith Portland Cement Company of California, and, as a result, the manufacturing practices in use here are similar to those which have made the latter concern's plant at Monolith, Calif., one of th-9 outstanding cement mills of the West, it is explained.
Officers of both corporations are as follows: Coy Burnett, pre_sid_e1t i C. A. Low, vice president and general manager; J. J. Calkins, secretary and treasurer; T. R. Larson, asJistant Lo_thc p_resident; W. S. Tru.eblood, production manag'er, and H. C. Gardner, director of sales, securities department.
Canadian Lumbermen's Association Joins Trade Extension Campaign
Washington, D. C., Feb. 7.-An alliance was effected at Montreal last week between the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and the Canadian Lumbermen's Association, whereby the two associations unite in the push- ing of the interests of lumber in the whole North American market
E. L. Carpenter of Minneapolis, President, and Wilson Compton, Washington, Secretary and Manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, attended the annual meeting of the Canadian Lumbermen's Association in Montreal on January 31st, and addressed the Convention in behalf of the lumber trade extention enterprise and on the intelligent regulation of production. The iddresses were enthusiastically received and after some deliberation it was voted to undertake to raise $50,000 for trade extension work. A committee was appointed to take charge of the work of raising the funds, which are to be used for trade extension in Canada, and will be conducted under Canadian name.
As the British Columbia Lumber and Shingle Manufacturers Association and the British Columbia Loggers Association are already associated with the trade Etension w_or_k, Canada as a whole may now be considered as a part of the lumber extension movement.
W. D. Dunning, sales manage rof The Little River Redw^ood Company, Sa.n Francisco, returned recently from a 10-day trip to Los Angeles.
Wortman Mill To Open Soon
Wortman & Wortman, Visalia, expect to start operating their sawmill in the mountains east of Visalia. iarlv ii March. They cut California Pine and Fir.
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AUTOM()BIIE INSURANCE with Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association
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E. J. BROCKMAN, R. E. WALKER, Paci6c Coert Managcr Dittrict Managcr 425 lJndcrwood Bldg. 527 H. W. HcltdrD Bldg. San Francirco, Celifornie Lot Arrgclcl, CrlifrrDi. Phonc Douglar 66&l Phonc FAbcr l39l