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Hoo Hoo News
East BaY Hoo Hoo Club
H. Sewell Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc', presidqd-3t lL" t.;;i;-&;;"t-*..tiits J East Bav-Hoo Hoo Club No' 39' heTd at the Athens Ciitb, Oukl"nd, February 11'
Nine Kittens Initiated at Phoenix Concat
Clyde I. Speer, Zenith Mill & Lumber Co'' was chalrman of the evening.
E"'Corrn-ict, vice-president, and E'-M' Farrell' credit *rn"g.t of the Bank bf Italy, Oakland, were present as guests of the club.
-"Io;; F. Rirrolta, manager of the trust-depart-"lt"! of .the 'Bank of Italy, Oakland, gave an interesting and lnstructrve talk on "Trusts."
'-"ls-irirg' S;;" Worswick addressed the club on the subiect of "CooPeration."
"*X. "ri.:;eJ;jort".on, Jr', viceger-ent snark of the San Francisco -Bay <i'istrict, invited^ mellbers to b-e- present .at ln.'Ci-r*iid U. tt.ta'at the Old Kentuckv House' Calaveras CountY, March 23.
Amos Besoyan "nl"tt"in.d with a novel sketch' and Nels Quist, Jr. sang two solos.
Larue Woodson, Wtreeler-Osgood Co', won the $25 attendance Prize.
Never Thought Of It
Chief : "Our tribe was told to move up to Montana, and when we got there found no land was left' Secretary: "You should have wired ahead for your reservadon-"
Nine kittens were led through the onion patch and all emereed with their tails properly curled at the concatenaii""-fliia'"i Ftto"ni* , Ari"oia, on Saturday evening.' Febraaw 23. Francis Pool, vicegerent snark ot the dlstrlct' *as in charge of the initiation work.
The meeting was largely attended and nearly seventyn". t"t do*tt To dinner it 6:30 p'm' The affair was held at the Adams Hotel. Following the dinner, the. concatenation was held. Hoo Hoo members from all secttons ot Arrzona were present. Frank Curran and "Friday" Freeland of l-os Angeles, ""a-fi""t F"tt "tta Earl MiCormick of San Diegoi were among the Californians to attend'
Arizona LumbermenlDesi$nate MaY L7 Hoo Hoo DaY
Mav 17. the opening day of the annual convention of the il;;"r;L;b cir"t 3t iti"on^, which will be held at Douglas, Arizona, on May 17,18 and 19, has.been designated as Hoo Hoo Day and a concatehatlon wlll be one or the features oi the day. State Counselor N' H' Huey has invited Robert Whitlock, veteran vicegerent snark ot tne n-f i"to, Texas, District, to officiate -as Junior Hgo II:o.. He has also issued invitations to M. M' Riner, Snark-ot the U"i".i.", and Charles G. Bird, Supreme Custocatian' to attend.
"All Weather" Door
The accompanying photographs illustrate the construction and features of the "All Weather" combination sashscreen door for kitchen and porch. The sliding glass sash raises and lowers with ease and is equipped with an equalized balancer which holds the sash in any position desired. Glass, which is set in a heavy steel, ohe unit frame, may be easily replaced. The sash is locked on 'the inside when shut. The door is pleasing in design and durable in construction.

The door is manufactured in the following in stock sizes: 2t6"x6'8t' and 2'8"x6'8". The T. B. Hatton Co., Inc., of Los Angeles, are the national distributors.
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, announces the following new members of the association: Dolan Building Materia-is Co., Sacramento; Truckee Warehouse & Lumber Co., Truckee: Qlroy I.umber Co., Gilroy; Redwood Manufacturers' Co., (Retail dept.) Pittsburg; Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Sanf.a Cruz, and Sun Lumber Co., Oxnard
U J. G. McKi'nney, president of the Yost-Linn Lumber & I Finance Co., was the speaker at the Beverly Hills Kiwanis Club on Febraary 7. Mr. McKinney discussed the "building game" in the Los Angeles district and gave an interesting outline of conditions that exist in the industry.
W. T. White of White Brbthers, San Francisco, is spend- ing a vacation at Castle Hot Springs, Arizona. Mr. White spends some time at this resort every year, anil one of the amusements .ivhich he enjoys very much while there is playing golf on the local course, which is somewhat novel, being -entirely a _sand course, calling for a difierent style of play altogether from that required for San Francisco iinks.
Attends Convention At Salt Lake
A. C. Horner, San Francisco, Western Division manager for the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. ittended the annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association at Salt Lake City on February 14, LS and 16. He talked to the meeting on ti.ade extensio-n work.
Lumbcr Mill Worh
Saeh & Doorr
Plarter WaIl Board
Evcr5rthing in the Building Linc
(The Clearing .Houte) This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon The Fellow Who Wants to BUY The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Ratc: E2.50 per cotutnn inch
Wants Position In Arizona
Retail salesman and successful branch yard manager wants a position with progressive Arizona lumber company. His had broad experience and is a real producer' F.eier salary and percentige basis. Excellent references' Age 35 and in perfict health. Address Box C-239 California Lumber Merchant.
Truck For Sale
MACK TRUCK EOUIPPED WITH R6LLERS. Address Merchant, 112 Market
2V" TON. SLIGHTLY USED. .CAg, LUMBER BODY AND Box C'246, The California Lumber St., San Francisco.
Manager Wanted
Wants Position With Retail Yard
Three years' mill experience, which includes six months as grad,ei, at ohe of -the large mills -in the Northwest. Waits to make connection wiih retail lumber company in Southern California, Los Angeles district preferred- n years of 'age. Would appreciate an,interview. Address Box C-247, Care California Lumber Merchant.
wANTs PosrrroN tr"ffi#fER oR AssrsrANT
Experienced lumberman wants. posjtion as manag'er or assistint manager of retail yard. Eight years' lumber, building material and general hardware experience. -F'amiliar i'ittt att brancheJof the retail lumber business. Can furnish excellent references' Available at once' Would appreciate an interview. P. B. Lane, 417 East Fourth St', Los Angeles.
6f past experience and any previous success ln thls llne'
Manaser wanted for Retail Yard in City of '10'000' 9ood openinq"for live wire young man, r'vho has ability i9 bltlC iri ttre -buSiness on even basis with competltors. IvIust De ;;J ;;;;; "n a .i ste rl in g c h a ra ct e r' Gi :-" -f : t I -pi',:':",1i'^' oi tingl", stat6 of health, club affiliations' edu-
Replies strictlv confidential' Ad-
Californii Lumber Merchant'
Bill Sampson Makes Arizona Loop
Bill Sampson, sales manager of the Hipolito Company' Los Angeles, has recently returned from a business trip to Phoenix, Tucson, Nogales, Bisbee and Douglas, Arizona' Bill states that during his visit he was entertained by Hawk Huey, who reallv demonstrated the true Arizona hospitality and drove him around to the various cities in the state' "of to ."ntionlhe excursion trips to Naco and 4g"?. Prieta' i\I;* tf,. ll".o trip was well handled under the direction of d*iffvf"rks and J-ohn Wood of the Bisbee Lumber Com;;"y:'--Bllt "ito ti'i"t a favorable report in regard to the conditions in Atizona.
Toa service tunity. travel, and prefer to work on a commission basis. - Cleveland Publications salesman who can sell a high grade advertising to retail lumber companies we have a real opporThe man we want must be ambitious, willing to
624 South La Brea Ave., Los Angeles.
Hush Alderman, The Pacific Lumber Company, has arrived"in Los Angeles and will be associated with Gus Hoover, the cornpany's Southern California representative. Durins the past few-weeks he has been going over the territorylvith G"otge Melville, who is also associated with Mr. Hooier. Mr. Alderman formerly represented the company in the ValleY tgtttotY:_

John- Olson, Los Angeles, District J\{anager.of^the Chas. .ir"o rio""d the middle of ihi month where he visited the n."M.Cor-ici< Lumbei Co., spent a few-days-in San ftT- ln he company's San Francisco office.
The office of the California ,Lumber Merchant is constantly receivittg applica' fr;;l;;; u"u -.n and women, desiring work with lumber concernE. Most of these have had previous lumber experience' When you are in need of hgtp of any kind, eitfrer office oT yar{, why not get the i"-fu .if -calling us first and giving u! an opporhrnity_ to be of service to you as *"fi "i to thosJ tr"edir,g emptyment? Thire is no charge with this service' to employer or emPloyee.