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Y'lS Sash Door and Mill Workers
/lew Yard at Rosemead Weaver Lumber Co. Ltd. New Firm
Walter H'. Buss is opening a new lumber yard at Rosemead, Calif., which he will operate under thi name of the Rosemead Lumber Co. Mr. Buss is the owner and manager of the new yard. He has been connected with the re- tail lumber business in Squthern California for the oast five years, and before coming to California, he was associated with his father who operates the W. J. Buss & Son retail lumber yard at Golden, Indiana.
Constructing New Planing Mill
The Bingham-Wenks Company of Fresno are constructing a n_ew p_laning mill to replace the building recently destroyed-by fire. The new plant will be electrically equipped and will be ready for occupancy in about four months.
T. A. Douglas will retire from the San Leandro Mill & T,umber Co., March lst, and the business will continue under the glanagement of R. W. Shannon. ;
Machinery Installed For
Maurice Macy is opening a planing the machinery is now being installed in will have the plant ready for operation March.
PLANING MILL mill at Dinuba and the new plant. He around the first of
The Weaver Lumber Company at 164O East Florence Ave., Los Angeles, has recent$ changed hands and is now known as the Weaver Lumber Company, Ltd., with Ollie A. Topham as president and general- manager. Paul Thompson, formerly of E. K. Wood Lumber Company and now associated with Mr. Topham as one of the new owners of the yard, will be in charge there until Mr. Topham closes his business affairs with the Pacific Door & Sash Company, with whom he is now connected.
The Moore Dry Kiln Company of North Portland, Oregon and Jacksonville, Florida report that they have recently completed shipment of 8,000 dry kiln trucks to the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company plants at Longview, Washington and Klamath Falls, Oregon. This is the largest truck order ever shipped and went forward to the Weyerhaeuser plants from the North Portland factory of the Moore Dry Kiln Company.
The Weyerhaeuser truck order consisted of 4,000 units or 8,000 trucks. Each unit was composed of two 25', trucks and one 4" I-beam bunk and each truck rvas furnished with two 8" tread diameter cast steel annealed wheels and roller bearings and axles of high carbon content steel.