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Subecription Pricc, $2.lXl per Year Single Copier, 25

How Lumber Looks

495 mitlE reporting to the West Coaet Lumbermen's Association for the week ended February 17 gave new business as 7216161515 feet against a production of 871579,055 feet and shipments of 692621789 feet. Shipments were undeg production by 2O.9 per cent and curent sales were under the cut by 17.1 per cent. Orders booked during the week by this group of mills wene over the preceding week by 61700'000 feet or l0.2percent.

The Vestern Pine Association for the week ended February 10 reported new businese from 127 mills as 33r435rNO f.eet; shipments, 3q903r0q) feet; and production, 2l'65O'0O0 feet Shipments wete 43 per c€nt above production, and orders 54 per cent above productiol ald t* ne; .."a above shipments.

The California Redwood Association for the same week reported productio.n from 16 mills as 5'901'000 feet; shipmentst 611641000 feet; and new business, 5r773rOOO f.eet. Orders on hand at the end of the week were 271336ro00 f.et. Eleven identical mills reported producion 78 per cent greater and new businesc 90 per cent greater than for the same week last

346 hardwood mills for the week ended February 10 gave

Retail Code Prices in Southern Calilornia Effective March 5

The directors of the Southern California Code Administrative Authority met at Los Angeles on Monday, February 19. All directors were present. The date for the filing of retail price lists was set at the meeting. All retail lumber dealers must file their individual price lists on or before March 3, and will become effective March 5. Terms and conditions of sale became effective on.Februarv 2l in the Southern California Division.


Leonard C. Hammond, vice president and general manager o{ the Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco, left February 22 for an extended business trip.

Mr. Hammond is traveling by automobile. He made his first stop in Los Angeles and is continuing through Texas to New Orleans. Before his return he will visit all the company's Eastern sales offices and sales connections, and expects to be gone about two months.

new business ae 2lrOTOrO0O feet, or .4 per cent below production, and shipments as l8r111r(XX) feet, or 14 pet cent below production. Production was 21rI50r(XX) feet.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor totaled 5381000 feet on February 19. Ca,rgo ardvals at Loc Angeles harbor for the week ended February 19 totaled 5r273r(X)0 fea, which included 9 cargoes of Fit carrying 5'06.+'(X)0 feet and one cargo of Redwood with 209rfi)O feet 62 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber service on February 19; 42 vessels were laid up.

The California lumber situation shows litde change. The volume of business is low although the retail yards report that their sales have made some improvement during the past few weeks. Retail lumber prices under the Code became Lfiective in Northern Califomia on February 15, and will go into effect in Southern California on Match 5.

Termite Amendment Hearing

A hearing on the proposed amendment to the Termite ordinance which became effective February 8 was held before the Los Angeles Building and Safety Commission on Monday afternoon, February 26. The proposed amendment provides that the creosoted treatment shall not be required if the wood rests on a non-corrodable metal termite shield installed on top of the foundation or if No. 1 Heart Common of Cedar, Cypress or Redwood are used in underpinning or foundation construction. The Commission will take the matter uo for further advisement.


Frederic S. Palmer, manager of the Pine department of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, left February 1 for a business trip to the eastern states.

Santa Fe Lumber Company was recently appointed by Kesterson Lumber Corporation, Klamath Falls, Ore., exclusive distributor of its No. 2 and better Common and No. 2 Shop and better grades of California Ponderosa Pine.

Attend Meeting At Portland

,Henry S. Patten, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., and T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., of Los Angeles, attended a meeting of the Trade Practice Committee of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, at Portland, 6-Oregon, on Tuesday, February 27.

William R. Spalding

William Rufus Spalding, owner of the W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., with headquarters in Visalia, Calif., died in the Kawea hospital, Visalia, February tl after an illness of five weeks.

Mr. Spalding, one of the most prominent figures in the retail lumber industry in California, and a man highly esteemed by his fellow lumbermen and by all who knew him, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, June 23, 1859. He came to California with his parents when he was 10 years old, and settled in San Francisco.

His first business venture was a printing shop in Berkeley, but soon after this he entered the lumber business in Truckee. He moved to Visalia in 1899, entered the lumber business there and remained there up to the time of his death. His company had yards in Porterville, Exeter, Lindsay, Tulare, Woodlake and Strathmore. The main office and yard was in Visalia.

Mr. Spalding was a member of the Visalia Royal Arch Masons and Visalia Commandery of the Knights Templar, and the Shrine, Islam Temple, San Francisco.

He is survived by his r,r'idow, Mrs. Caroline A. Spalding and a brother, Dr. Otis B. Spalding of the United States Naval hospital.


H. M. Rhodes, president and manager of the Salt Lake Mill Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, was a Los Angeles visitor during the month of February.

Retail Minimum Prices Effective

in Northern Calilornia Feb. 15

Retail dealers of Division No. 2 (Northern California) were notified on February 5 by Retail Lumber and Building Material Code Authority, Inc., San Francisco, to file with the Code Authority by February 15 their individual price lists, with terms and conditions of sale. The notice stated that these prices become effective February 15.

The selling and overhead expense on lumber for Northern California has been fixed at 25 per cent of the cost at the yard plus a handling and delivery cost of $6 for cities over 500,000 population, 5.6O for cities of 75,W to 500,00O, and $5.20 for cities under 75,000 population.

Mode mark-up on building material is 45 per cent, 44 per cent and 42 per cent on the same population basis.

Back From Southern Trip

Henry M. Hink, sales manager, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned to his desk February 19 from a lo-day business trip to Los Angeles and San Diego.


J. A. Rankin, general manager, Hammond & Little River Redwood Co., Samoa, Calif., recently spent a few days at the head office in San Francisco.

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