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ttCulludlt Fun

l, SELECTS The Most Responsive Markets For YOU-picks out the money-making jobs, right in your own town, in schools churches restaurants. hotels . offices hospitals apartmente . . . and homee.

2 SELEC S ru" Best Prospects rn Those Markets-pointe out the exact typee of existing Etructures that bring quiakcst eales-creates a demand for materials in eueh structures' l-L. at LOCATES Cornplete Stocks Conveniently Near Youmakes any or all item.e in the line available qrrickly-lifts from your shoulders the burden of heavy inventory. Selected and controlled distribution protects your businese. Every item in this broad and complete line represents extra volume for you at a sotisfoctory ptofit Not a single one ie eold as a substitute for any other yard item, on which you rnight make a better profit.

S SELEC?S rn. Best Methods of Reachins Prospects-tens you how to get the jobs and worke with you in getting thern-backs up your efrort with full-page advertising and forceful direct mail-carries on promotion work that you could not profitably do alone.

T SELEC?S ru" Right Products ForThose Prospects-opens up broader fields of rrse, both in old and new 6,qfldingse for insulating, sound deadeningraeoustical and interior decorating materials. The line is COMPLETET and includes Nu-Wooo Plank and Tileo with the famous bevel-lap jointsr and Brrsenr-\fioor Bla"Let Insulation. Many of the products are double and triple-purpose. Prices are drastically reducedgeared to 1934 incomes.

The 1934 SELECf,TYE SELLTNG Program ie built around tlre lack of new construction. It is even broader, more far-reaching, than the 1933 Program. And it is baeed on the same thorough knowledge . ._. the. eame careful srrryey of fundamental neede that made the 1933 Program so euccessful. Again SELECTM SELIING is ofrered to dealers who want and need eales. If you are one of theeel write us NoW for complete information.

Wood Conversion Company

Room 125,lst Notlonol Bonk Bldg. 5t. Poul, Minnesoto

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