2 minute read
There \(/as a Likeness
Nothing hurts an old colored man or woman more than inability to remember their "white folks." In fact the average old darkey will go to great extremes before admitting any such fault of memory, and many a one has got him or herself in deep tangles of lying, trying to keep from an admission of forgetfulness.
A woman f know recently went back to her childhood home in Mobile, Alabama, and there met up with a very old colored man who used to work around their place when she was a little girl. She spoke to the old darkey and saw that he did not recognize her, so she said:
"You don't remernber me, do you Uncle Mose?"
He looked at her long and hard out of those old eyes, but she could see that he wasn't making the grade. He couldn't place her, and felt greatly embarrassed at the fact.
"Ah'm tellin' you de truf, Missy," he said; "Ah don' seem to zackly diso'ganize you, but Ah'll say dis-you' face do look sim'lar."
With Red Cedar Shingle Bureau Gaining Statewide Distribution
The Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, Wash., announces the appointment of William W. Woodbridge of Seattle as Manager of Promotion. For the past eighteen years, Mr. Woodbridge has been advertising manager of the West Coast Lumberman.
Mr. Woodbridge came to the Pacific Northwest in 1906 follorving the completion of his studies at the College of Will.am and I\Iary in Virginia. After spending several years in the state of Washington where he was connectecl rvith the lumber and shingle industry, he became associated with the advertising business as manager of the Detroit, Mich., office of a large eastern advertising firm.
He return€d to the West Coast in 1916 to become advertising manager for the West Coast Lumberman, rvhich position he held until his recent appointment with the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau. He will take over his new duties at once.
Addrases Kiwanis Club
Ben C. Phillips, Northern California salesman for Nicolai Door Sales Co., San Francisco, was the principal speaker before the Ki'ivanis Club of Salinas, Calif., February 9. He spoke at the invitation of Joe Rogers, manager of the Sterling Lumber Co., Salinas, and took as his subject "Mine-sweeping in the North Sea."
Mr. Phillips speaks with authority on this subject, having been a lieutenant in the United States Navy at the time of the World War, when he gained considerable firsthand experience in mine-sweeping. He has given this talk by request before a large number of service clubs all over Northern California.
Max Cook, San Francisco, agricultural engineer, and O. G. "Red" Grimes, Southern California sales representative, for The Pacific Lumber Company, have, just completed a month's trip calling on the Southern' California retail lumber dealers introducing the company's prefabricated products, Palco Redwood Sectional Septic Tanks and Palco Redwood Sectional Poultry Feeders, to insure statewide distribution.
Betrv,een 50 and 60 retail dealers r'vere added to the company's statewide list.
Palco products are sold exclusively through the retail lumber dealers. Through cooperation with the supply and feed houses, plumbers, contractors, etc., the dealers are also increasing their sales for the Sectional Septic Tanks and Sectional Poultry Feeders. With an initial sale of these products, the dealers are serviced with miniature or models of the Sectional Septic Tanks and Sectional Poultry Feeders for display and demonstration purposes together with suitable literature which assists the dealers in developing inquiries and making sales.
To Represent Schafer Bros.
Charles T. Gartin will cover the Northern California territory for Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., starting March 1, it is announced by Floyd W. Elliott, manager of the company's San Francisco office.
N{r. Gartin is r,r'ell known, particularly in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys. lle was formerly with the California Cedar Products Co., Stockton, as salesman, and has recently been with the Maris Plywood Co., San Francisco. He is a son of James ,U. Gartin, president and manager of Stanislaus Lumber Co., Modesto.