1 minute read
that a coating of Asphalt Emulsion . . srATrc coATrNG . will add many years to the service you may expect from your roof.
The Engineering Experiment station of rowa state college conducted service and laboratory tests on roofing over a period of years and found that an asphalt coating added considerably to the useful life of roofing. (See Bulletin No. 109 rowa state college).
And the tests that have been made since then all over the counry . under many conditions . . . on all kinds of roofs . . under all climates . have borne out those scientific findings and further have proved that Asphalt Emulsion . . srATrc coATING . is THE dependable roof coating.
Sell srATrc COATING to your customers and assure them of full service from their roofs. It is easy to apply . . easy to sell gives satisfaction . . . will not check or crack . . it makes friends for you . . . and it is PROFITABLE BUSINESS.