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lDTe offer our Dealer Customers a service in the milling of special details in F{ardwoods, Fir, Pine, Redwood and Spruce that is really wofth while. Let us worry about your millwork problems. ===:

Stock Mouldings in Fit and Ponderoca Pine always on hand.

Don't Forget-


We carry large stocks of all the products listed on the right in this ad, ahuays tezd,y AT YOUR service and for YOUR conveniece.


2O5O East 3Eth


Harry Easom, well known San Francisco lumberman, is awaiting a decision by the Marin County planning commission on his request for a permit to build a lumber yard on the Redwood Highway half way between the Richardson bridge and the Alto junction of the Mill Valley-Belvedere road.

The board has ruled, it seems, that this particular section should be zoned for residence and agricultural purposes.

Mr. Easom already owns an auto camp and service station at the point where he wants to put the new yard.

Always in Stock

And At Your Service







(Stock & Special Deteil)






Carl Hornibrook Los Angeles Visitor

Carl Hornibrook, sales manager of the Ewauna Box Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., was a recent caller at the Los Angeles offices of E. K. Wood Lumber Co', their Southern California representative. He reports that business conditions in California for 1936 look good.

Sales Manager Back From Trip

Al Nolan, Western sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, has returned from a two weeks' business trip to points in Utah, Colorado, West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

----*Advertisements appear in alternate issue.----

Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Co. ------------------------19

Broolmire, fnc.

Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. -------,------ ------------------ 18

Cadwallader-Gibson Co., fnc. ---'--'-,-------------2O

California Builders Supply Co. ---------------------19

California Panel & Veneer Co. -----,------,-------19

California Redwood AsEociation

Celotex Company, The

Hill & Morton, fnc. ---------------------------------------19

Hogan Lumber Co. -,----------------------------------------17

Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. , --------------------------19

Ffoover, A. L. ------------- --------,-------19

Johnson Lumber Corporation, C. D. --------------15

Koehl & Son, fnc., Jno. W. ----------------------------18

KuhI Lumber Co., CarI H.,-,--------------------------19

Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. -------------------------- 4

Lumbermentg Credit Association -------------------*

McCormick Lumber Co., Chas. R. ------------------19

MacDonald & Bergstrom, Inc. -----,------,-,---------19

MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd. -----------------,19

Moore MilI & Lumber Co. ----------------------------2O


J. E. MARTIN ManagingEditor and Advertiring Mauger

M. ADAMS Cirolation Mmger

Subccription Price, $2.fl1 per Year Single Copiee, 25 ccntr each.

Coastwise Lumber Schooners Back in Service

Vith the termination of the six weekst tie up of the coastwise lumber schooner feet, the coestwise lumber trade has quickly tevived and there has been $eat ectivity at the Califomia lumber terminals during the past two weeks. 75 schooners were operating on February 26. Cargo arrivals at Los Angeles I{at6or for the ileek ended ,February 22 totaled 25,168,000 feet.

The Fir demand has been quiet for the past thirty days on account of the stormy weather in Cdifornia, and it is ctill light owing to trhe fact that deliveries are now being made of lumber bought before or during the shipping tie up.

The Redwood matket is firm and active in spite of weather conditione. Redwood coasgwis;teamers are all back in service.

During the week ended February 8, 566 mills produc"A t.82rt4TrOOO feet of hardwoods and sofha'ood combined; shipped 17910371000 feet; and booked otderc of. 2O4065rO(X) feet, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from the regional associations. The lumber industry


Harry T. Kendall, of St. Paul, Minn., Vice-President and General Manager of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, has been a visitor in California for the past rveek. He is accompanied by Mrs. Kendall. They left New York on a Bermuda cruise, then went through the Panama Canal and to Los Angeles by ship. They stayed several days in Los Angeles, where they were chaperoned around by Jack Dionne, and then went to San Francisco to spend several days with Gus Russell, before leaving for the Northwest.

at t{re end of the week stood at 51 per cent of the 1929 weekly evetage of productiorL and at 52 per cent of 1929 shipments.'

A total of. 201 mills in ITashington and Oregon reporting to the Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the wiek en-ded February 15 produced 9611641153 board feet of [umbee57.5 per cetrt of the everege 1926-29 weekly cut.

New business reported was 1o2ro53165l f.eet. Shipments were ll0r664{t4 feet, representing a sharp increase ovet previous weeks, due to the return of coastwise s-teamers to the California watertrade'

The Vestern Pine Association for the week ended Februaty 15, lO7 mills reporting, gave orders as 43r739rOOO feet; shiplolLents431639'OOO feet; production 2ETE4OTOOO feet. Orders wde 5_|5 p"t cent abonre production, .2 W cent above shipments. Shipments were 51.3 per cfnt above-production.

The California Redwood Association for the week ended February 8 reported production of 13 mills as 6,421,000 feet, shipments 61531rOO0 feet, and new business 91654rOOO Leet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totded 41,462,OO0 f.eet.


Walter G. Scrim, well known Los Angeles Philippine Hardwood man, is now on a short business trip to the Pacific Northwest and to British Columbia.

Take In Santa Anita Handicap

^ HlSh Handley, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Company, San Francisco, with a party of friends from the Bal Di!trict, saw the running oJ the big Santa Anita Handicap at Arcadia on Febraary 22.


Jack Neece, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Neece, Jr., of Dallas, Texas, was married to Dorothy Louise Muller on Febraary 6. The ceremony took place at 5:00 p.m. at the Wee Kirk o' the Heather in Glendale.

Mrs. Neece is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Muller of Los Angeles, and is a graduate of the Los Angeles High School and Dominican Convent in Santa Barbara. Mr. Neece is connected with the firm of James J. Cline Company, wholesale distributors of hardwood flooring in Los Angeles, in the capacity of secretary-treasurer. He is a graduate of the New Mexico Military Academy, and an alumnus of Southern Methodist University, Dallas.

Mrs. J. R. Neece, Jr., who came to Los Angeles to be present at the ceremony, is visiting her many friends in Los Angeles where she will be joined in a few weeks by her husband, J. R. Neece, Jr., president of the Texas Oak Flooring Company of Dallas, Texas.

Visit Southern California

A. M. Schwarz, Schwarz Lumber Co., Miami, Arizona, and Mrs. Schwarz have been spending a few weeks in Southern California. While in Los Angeles, Mr. Schwarz called on the lumber trade.

Back From Northwest

C. M. (Friday) Freeland, Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, has returned from the Northwest where he spent a few weeks calling on the mills.

tVill Represent Portland Firm

It is announced by Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, Ore., that they have secured the services of Ralph P. Duncan to travel the San Joaquin Valley for them.

Mr, Duncan was for many years general manager of Merced Lumber Co., Merced, and recently resigned from this position.


"Timber Giants," a two-reel Warner Brothers short, made in the Redwood Empire, said to be a very interesting and instructive film, is now being released.

As theaters don't advertise shorts, lumber dealers who would like to see this picture should ask their local theater managers when it will be shown, and where not already booked might suggest to them to book this fine production.

Back From Palm Springs

Ralph Beede, Antioch Lumber Co., Antioch, has returned from a vacation trip to Palm Springs. He was accompanied by Mrs. Beede, and visits were also made at Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.


J. B. Gill of the Hamilton-Gill Lumber Co., San Bernardino, has purchased Mr. Hamilton's interest in the company and will operate under the name of the J. B. Gill Lumber Co.

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