1 minute read
Sudden t, Ghristenson
Lunber and Shtpptng
fith Floor. Alaska-Cor"r'rercial Bldg., - 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco
Ancricln Mitt C.o.
Hoquirn Lunbcr & Shinglc Co.
Hulbcrt MiU Co.
Vitlrpe Hu6oc Lunb.r Millt
630 Board of Tredc Bldg.
Abecdrro' Vuh. Ryder Henify Hoquirn, Verh. Dorothy C.ehilt
Aberdm, VeA. Janc Chrirtcaroo
- Rryoond, lferh. Charlcr Chrfutcaroa
Bnach Oficcr: SEATTLE
National Baal of Cocrncncc Bldg.
Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club
Annual Social Meeting March 12
The annual social meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club will be held in San Luis Obispo, on Saturday, March 12.
Afternoon headquarters will be at the Anderson Hotel, and dinner and entertainment will be at the Elks Club.
This annual gathering is a big get-together meeting for retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers and jobbers.
Good food, good entertainment and good fellowship are the inducements held out, and there is certain to be a big crowd to enjoy this annual function.
Officers of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club are J. O. Handley, president; L. M. Tynan, vice-president; J. H. Kirk, treasurer, and Chas. S. Tripler, Porter Building, Watsonville. secretarv.
Annic Chrin:ruol
Edrin Chrilcnron
Cethprinc G. Suddcr
Elcenor Ctrirtonron
2OO Hcoty Bldg.
Hardwood Distributors to Meet at Del Monte April 28-30
The annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association will be held at the Del Monte Hotel, Del Monte, Calif., on April 28,29 and 30.
Frank J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is president of the association. P. R. (Bob) Kahn, Forsyth Hardwood Co., San Francisco, is vice-president, and C. R. Taenzer, American Hardwood Co', Los Angeles, is secretary-treasurer.
Calls On Mills
M. L. "Duke" Euphrat, Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, was back at his desk Februaty 2l from a twoweeks'trip to the Northwest where he called on the firm's mill connections.