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How Lumber Looks

Lumber orders in Washington and Oregon are gradually increasing as time for the expected spring demand approaches but are still far below a normal seasonal volume, according to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association.

The Association states that California buying has been more active in the last two weeks, with dealers building up stocks and wholesale buyers anticipating spring needs.

A total of t49 down and operating mills, reporting for the week ended February 19, produced 6,878,352 feet of lumber. New business taken in totaled %,704,789 feet, and shipments were 66,928,575 feet. The unfilled order file stood at 316,328,806 feet.

Reports from 115 mills for the week ended February 19 showed new business of 56.7.1O.00O feet of lumber was about 4,0(n,000 feet above the previous week, according to the Western Pine Association. Production totaled 22,346,W feet, a gain of about 2,000,000 feet, and shipments were 46,091,000 feet, an increase of about 1,000,000 feet.

The California Redwood Association for the week ended February 12 reported production of 13 mills as 6,447,ffi feet; shipments 3,928,000 feet; and new business 6,692,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 31,262,000 feet.

Since February 3, the date of presidential approval of the amendments to the National Housing Act and up to the close of business on February 23, the Southern California-Arizona FHA district office at Los Angeles received 949 loan-insurance applications, totaling $4,389,400. Of these applications, 437 covered the financing of new homes, and 512 applied to homes already built.

In the same period 611 mortgages, amounting to $2,548,10O, were approved for FHA insurance.

February building construction in Los Angeles made a strong showing, notwithstanding interference with building operations due to many days of rain, as indicated by the volume of permits reported on February 26 by Clyde Makutchan, superintendent of building.

Valuation of permits for all classes of construction was over $4,000,000, holding a margin of about $4OO,OOO above the total for the similar period last year.

A sharp upswing of home building is anticipated, Mr. Makutchan said, due to the heavy volume of applications for FHA loans reported by the lending institutions.

The Fir mills in ,n. ;r;*.st that are running have fairly good order files, although cutting orders are icarce. Cargo prices are firm, and some advances have been made particularly ip dimension and boards. Rail prices are unchanged. A considerable amount of lumber and shingles has been bought by the yards in the last two weeks as a result of the demand for materials to replace recent storm damage in Northern California.

California Pines. The market is strengthening as many mills are down, and with nerv business continuing to exceed production, stocks are reduced. There is a tendency towards higher prices, and a prominent California wholesaler predicts that the next price adjustments will be higher. Redwood. Market continues firm, and production is just about in line with the demand. There is no surplus of -dry uppers.

Red Cedar shingle market is quite firm. Many mills are down and the recent demand has reduced stocks.

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