2 minute read

'rGhronated Z,lnc Ghlorldett PNES9UNE

Treated Ludtbeb

Now Trcated and Stocked at Our Long Bcach Plant for Immediate Delivery to Lumber Dealctr

Clcan Odorlcg

Paintable Termite and Decay Rerirtant Fire Reterdant a o

Buy ttBAXCOtt for Servicc Pmpt lhhmGtrtt lru anr:tc&. Erchurc rcwicr*alc/r utnrtrd lumbe fq or Chmetcd ae Chldid. rtoc'L plur cbu3c fc tild.t.

Tntinr dclcr'r m lubcr-ulll rhb. mcntrtoqrdcLatnrc|r lota lm dreldr yrrd.

ALSO AVAILABLE FROM STOCKS IN OUR ALAMEDA, CALIF" YARD groups throughout the country that say: .,Go out after the small home business in aggressive and intelligent fashion." They suggest that in every community there be built small demonstration homes to show the public that a very small amount of money will buy a comfortable home right now.

Exclurivc Selcr Agcnt in Califocnie for WEST gOA9T WOOD PNESENYING GO. Seattlg Vash.

They believe that ".t"riunlorrl po""iut" -"rtut has been and is being overlooked. They believe that there are literally millions of families in this country who would buy a small home if they were given the right opportunity, and given the proper facts. They suggest modest, standard size and built homes, shown to the public complete and offered to the man of small means at so much a month. They point to many places where such an efiort has brought amazing returns.

They declare that.n" r"l"ui"rrlrc, u.rrirress is still sitting in the office bidding on stuff someone has decided to buy, and that the mass of small-income workers do not realize that they should be able, today, to buy as good or better than they are renting, for the price of rent. It must be in low-priced land districts. It should be both modern and warm and comfortable. It should be homelike. And it should be cheap. And the family that buys it gets some very happy extras thrown in, such as Rowena Bennett wrote about when she said: We bought a little country house Away from carts and cars, And city smoke. They did not charge LIs extra for the stars, Or singing birds, or for the clouds That dropped their scented showers. They sold us just a house and lot, But all the SKY was ours.

National Mortgage Ass'n Chartered Appointed Mana ger ol Tucson Ofrice

Washington, Feb. l9.-Machinery for making a billion dollars of private funds available for new home financing was set in motion today when Stewart McDonald, Federal Housing Administrator, signed the charter authorizing creation of a national mortgage association, the first to be organized under the terms of the National Housing Act amendments of 1938.

The association has initial capital of $10,000,000 and surplus of $1,000,000 paid by the Reconstruction Finance Corp., which has stated that it is prepared, if necessary, to contribute additional sums up to $40,000,000 to the capital of this or other national mortgage associations, thus providing a total of $50,000,000 as the base for $1,000,000,000 of private funds ultimately available for housing construction and financing.

National mortgage associations are authorized by the amended housing act to originate real estate loans insured under Title 2 and to buy and sell mortgages insured under 'Iitle 2 or uninsured first mortgages which do not exceed 60 per cent of the appraised value of the mortgage property.

Chris Totten, secretary of the Arizona Retail Lumber & Builders Supply Association, Inc., annolrnces the appointment of R. A. Nickerson as manager of the Association's Tucson of6ce. "Nick" a few years back was general manager of the Saginaw & Manistee Lumber Company at Williams, Ariz., and he has also had long experience in the retail and wholesale ends of the lumber business.

The Association's Tucson office is in Room 206 Southern Arizona Bank Building, and members and friends are invited to call and renew old acquaintance rvhen in Tucson as "Nick" is now on the iob.


Washington, Feb. 19.-During a 3-year period of operation involving mortgages amounting to over a billion dollars, the average mortgage accepted for insurance by the Federal Housing Administration, as well as the average new construction mortgage, has shown only negligible fluctuation. In round figures the average mortgage has been slightly more than $,1000 throughout the period of the program.

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