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We carry large stochs at San Pedro at your service. Philippine Mahogany for pleasure boats. Teak for the finer yachts. Durable Ironbarh for business boats and hard wear.

Sixth Annual Rcveillc Apill 22-23 Will Start Big Advertiring Campaign

Gordon D. Pierce, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland, general chairman of committees for the Sixth Annual Reveille of Northern California Lumbermen, announces that the Reveille will be held in Oakland on April 22 and 23. It is sponsored as usual by East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, and Carl R. Moore is general secretary and treasurer.

The committees are as follows:

Finance Committee-C. I. Speer, chairman; Kenneth Shipp, Bert Bryan, Henry Hink, R. P. Cook.

Entertainment CommitteFM. R. Grant, chairman i Jack Ferri, Bill Chatham, Lewie Godard.

Golf Committee-Tom Branson, chairman; H. S. Morton, Forrest Peil, Ross Kinney, Clem Fraser.

Publicity Committee-Lervie Godard, chairman; W. T. Black, Chris Sechrist, Tom Tomlinson.

Banquet Committee-Lloyd lfarris, chairman; Art Williamson, Kenneth Shipp, C. I. Gilbert, John Helm.

Programs and Posters-D. N. Cords, chairman; Earl Davis, Clem Fraser, Vic. Herman, Nick Carter.

Ticket Sales Committee-Jim Overcast, chairman; John Freeman, Jerry Bonnington, L. J. Woodson, Shirley Forsey, H. Lincoln, Jr.

Genetal Committee-Gordon D. Pierce, chairman; Carl R. Moore, C. L Speer, l\'I. R. Grant, Tom Branson, Lewie Godard, Lloyd llarris, D. N. Cords, Jim Overcast, Henry Hink.

Seattle, Wash., February 9-The Douglas Fir Plywood industry will immediately inaugurate a program of trade promotion and advertising involving a contemplated expenditure of $1,000,000 over a three-year period.

Such was the announcement made today by the recently appointed trade promotion management committee of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, which simultaneously made known that McCann=Erickson, Inc., international advertising agency, will direct the advertising.

The forthcoming campaign will be the most intensive ever put behind a Northwest lumber product. It will be timed to tie in with the newly enacted FHA legislation and rvith new developments in the plywood i'ndustry.

Lee Doud California Visitor

Lee L. Doud, general manager of the Defiance Lumber Co., Tacoma, and Mrs. Doud, ivere recently on a two weeks' business and pleasure trip to Southern California and Arizona.

Mr. Doud visited the offices of Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, Southern California representatives of Defiance Lumber Co.

Skiis At Yosemite

Roy E. Hills, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, spent several week-ends last month at Yosemite. where he enjoyed the skiing.

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