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Stockton Lumber Company 'Ser"ice With Every Stick"

The Stockton Lumber Company at Stockton, California, is a model of convenience and efficiency, and one of the most modern and up-to-date retail lumber yards in the country.

The plant, including office and store, yard, storage facilities and service features, is located on Eldorado Street at Jackson, and occupies an entire block.

The location is ideal, being on two main highways. Eldorado is the principal North and South street in the city, and is the main highway into Oakland and the Bay Area via Tracy, Dublin and Hayward. It is also the main highway South to Valley points and Los Angeles. Jackson Street, where it strikes Eldorado, is the beginning of the Borden highway to San Francisco Bay Area, and since the construction of the low level Broadway tunnel in Oakland, this road cuts the distance down over 1O miles between Stockton and Oakland.

The ofifice, store and No. I rvarehouse building is 120 feet long by 36 feet wide and is set back 3 feet from Eldorado Street, and 6 feet from Jackson Street, the purpose is to provide space for a lawn and shrubery. No. 1 warehouse contains stocks of Sheetrock, Weatherwood, paints, oils, insulation, etc.

The sheds are all the same size, namely, 126 feet long by 40 feet wide, 25 feet 6 inches high double deck. Driveways between all sheds open out on Jackson Street, and a driveway across the middle of the block opens out on Eldorado and Center Streets. \Marehouse No. 2 is 60 feet long by 34 feet rvide, and is used for the storage of plywoods, and Pioneer-Flintkote roofing.

The entire office is insulated with Redrvood fitrre bark, B inches in the ceiling and 6 inches in the walls. The rvalls are covered with Weatherwood insulation board and the ceilings are of accoustic insulation manufactured by U. S. Gypsum Co. Douglas fir was used for the floor, except in the private office which is Oak plank. Douglas fir and Pine went into the construction of the building.

Chas. G. Bird, one of California's most progressive retail lumbermen, is ma.nager of the Stockton Lumber Company, being assisted by a very eflicient organization. The company carries large and lvell assorted stocks of all kinds of lumber and building materials. Their slogan is "service With Every Stick."

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