3 minute read

Salesmanship bv Saberson

(The lollowing is qn extrtrct from the remcrrkg ol B. E. Scberson, oI Weyerhceuaer, belore the Mountqin Stcrtes Lumber Decrlers Association Convention)

I don't suppose cny similor group ol men ever lqced cr grecter opportunity thcm the men in lhis room todcry.

Accumulcrted nee& lor your products hcrve been piling up lor Yeqrs.

Mcnrmoth mcrkete lor your mqteriqls loom up on every hcnd.

The grectest crgricuhurcl ncrtion on ecrrth is mcrny yecrrs behind in its normql lcrnn building progrqm.

We crre lccing one of the most criticcrl housing shortcges in the history of the nction-three or lour million homes behind crnd losing crt the rcrte ol 1,000 homes per dcy.

Through FIIA the cost ol home fincncing hcrs been reduced 85 per cent-building money is avcilcrble everywhere through innumercrble fincrncing crgencies.

There are those in this room who hcrve won lor themselves lhe continuous orders which come through the proper use ol the new tools we now hcrve lo work with, plus high grcrde selling. They cre rendering c grect service to iheir communities.

There crre others who h<rve missed the boat "o*pt"t"ty crnd qre still driven hcrU mcrd with price compelition.

[nculcate into your business in 1938 the priceless ingredient thct mckes cll business click-intensive, intelligent scrlesmcrnship. No business can prosper without it. Btmish low grcde selling. You've got the m<rrket! You've got the materials! You've got the moneyl

66 Years Of Service

The house oI Whire Brothers wcrs lounded in lcnucry ol 1872


HIGH GRADE HARDWOODS-Dmegtic woodr: Ach' Bcecb' Blrch' Gu' HicLory, Maroolir, Itlaplc' OaI, Popler, Wdnut, udr ud MrEl. Flch3. FOREiGN W(X)DS: Apitat, BaLa, Sprntuh Ccdrr, Eboy, Spottrd G|n, lrobark, Jcninro, Lignu Vlt*, Mrhqun Prinrnre' Rccroo4 S!r! TdL


A Little Work

A little work, a little play

To keep us going-and so, good-day !

A little warmth, a little light

Of love's bestowing-and so good-night !

A little fun to match the sorrow

Of each day's growing-and so, good morrow!

A little trust that when we die de Maurier.

We reap our sowing ! And so, good-bye !


He Changed His Mind

The manager of a concern dashed into the owner's office. The owner asked what was the matter.

"It's Goodwin, our traveling salesman," explained the manager. "IJsed the most insulting language. Told me to fry my face, and he said you could go and chase yourself !"

"IIe did, did he?" snapped the owner. ..We'll fire him without ceremony. Let's see, he's been with us for five months. What business has he done in that time?"

"Two hundred dollars the first month," stated the man. ager, reading from the reports he produced, ..five hundred dollars the second month, one thousand dollars the next and five thousand the next."

"Hmmm," murmured the owner thoughtfully, ,,I often think I ought to take a little more exercise, and I dare say the head of the hardware department will give you a frying pan."

You are not permitted to kill a woman who has injured you, but nothing forbids you to refect that she is growing older every minute. You are avenged 1440 times a day.

-Ambrose Bierce.

Homely Philosophy

By Anthony Euwer

As a beauty I'm not a great star, Others are handsomer far; But my face-I don't mind it Because I'm behind it; ft's the folks out in front that I jar.

Do not aSk for what you will wish you had not got.



The stormy March has come at last, With wind, and cloud and changing skies; I hear the rushing of the blast, That through the snowy valley flies.

-William Cullen Bryant.

The Common Law Of Business

You can dissolve everything in the world, even a great fortune, into atoms. And the fundamental principles which govern the handling of postage-stamps and of millions of dollars are exactly the same. They are the common law of business, and the whole practice of commerce is founded on them. They are so simple that a fool can't learn them; so hard that a lazy man won't.-Philip D. Armour.

Correct Diagnosis

Two Georgia darkeys were discussing the financial condition of the country. They didn't agree.

"You's all wrong," one vociferated, ,,Dey ain't no money sho'tage. Ah asked mah bankuh is he out o, money and he tuk me in de vault an' showed me piles an, piles o' money. And Ah says could he let me have a little. And he says he sho' could. Has Ah any collat'rul ! An' Ah hasn't. Now, dat's what's de mattuh wid dis country. Dey's plenty o' money, but we's jest runnin' sho't on collat'rul."

The Weary Wisher

By Frederick Palmer Latimer

I wish I were a little rock, A-sitting on a hill, A-doing nothing, all day long, But just a-sitting still; f wouldn't eat, I wouldn't sleep, I wouldn't even washI'd sit and sit a thousand years, And rest myself, b'Gosh !

Do you know pleasures in life?

that conversation is one of the greatest But it wants leisure.

-Somerset Maugham.

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