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Klamath Falls, Oregon
Central Cdifornia Representative
Pfemid Lumber Salee Co., Oatdand
GIIM cad llBCll
II you require quick dependcrble service, call "Cclil. Pcnrel" when you need plywood. We have cr lcnge, well diversified, quolity stock of hardwood qnd softwood plywoods olwcrlrs on hond lor your convenience.
955-967 sourx ALAMEDA sTREET Telaphone TRinity 0057
!.[ai.li,ng Address: P. O. Box 2096, Tenun*ar- ANNBx LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA
Plttock Block 5995 Vilrhirc Blvd.
Timber-Built Highway Bridge Conserves Steel Private Constuction of Delense
Washington, February Z4.--:limber construction of highway bridges, besides releasing urgently needed metals for war pulposes, will produce sturdy structures speedily and at low cost. An especially fine demonstration of this ma1' be seen in the new Crabbe Road Bridge across the North River near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, recently opened to traffic by the county board of revenue.
The bridge, 333% feet long with a 24-loot roadway, designed for an H-15 loading, cost $43,000 including the concrete piers-or $5.36 per square foot of roadway.
Designed by Donald A. du Plantier, associate professor of structural engineering, College of Engineering, University of Alabama, for fabrication by the Teco system of engineered timber construction, it was fabricated and erected by WPA labor under the direction of Powell Baker, WPA engineer.
The approaches are supported by trestles of 1S-foot span, six on the south side and four on the north, with 12 x 12" trestle caps. The channe'l span is composed of two identical pairs of gGfoot span; half-through trusscs, 15 feet deep. End posts are €' x 14"; chords, €' x lV' ; diagonals, €' x 8", and verticals, 8" x 10" with the ten-inch dimension placed transverse to the bridge axis to stiffen the top chord for halithrough construction. Joints are connected by Teco fourinch shear plates and split rings, flat spiked grids and single curved spiked grids. Each main truss joint has lour /s" steel gusset plates, two outer and two inner.
Floor trusses have U' x 17' chords, 6" x U'verticals, and 2" x lZ' diagonals in pairs. Lateral bracing is of the "K" type with 3" x E' timbers and steel gussets welded to the main gussets.
Stringers are €' x 16',lS-foot span, placed 30 inches on centers. Toenailed to the 4" x 10" subflooring is 7t x 2" laminated gum, surface flooring.
All timber was creosoted. In the piling, a lGpound fullcell treatment was employed and, for the other wood, an eight-pound open cell treatment.
In designing the bridge, Prof. du Plantier took advantagc of the technical data and typical Teco designs offered to engineers by the Timber Engineering Company, Washington, D. C. He also had available the advisory services of the regional distributors of Teco Timber Connectors, Maxwell & Hitchcock, Atlanta, licensee of the Timber Engineering Company of Georgia and Alabama.
Housing Expanding
Private construction of war housing, u'as indicatedinTT/o of the more than $2,700,000 worth of insured mortgage business transacted during the week ending February 13, by FHA's Southern California District office, it was reported by Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California District Director, Federal Housing Administration.
678 applications representing mortgages amounting tcr $2,707,000 were received during the week, included in which rvere 523 cases for approximately two rnillion dollars and totaling 547 individual dwelling units, under Title VI the defense housing section of the National Housing Act.
The 678 applications represented the second largest week since the last week in September; the larger weekly volume occurring during the week ending January 30 wherr 1.,021 cases for $3,714,000 were received.
"This gratifying volume is an indication," said I\Ir. Binglram "that builders, through private capital, are accepting the challenge to provide the ever expanding need for housing of defense workers. A total of 2,000 dwelling units have actually started construction since the first of this vear, not including the San Diego District, and with the increase in applications for insurance of new construction mortgages it is expected that this volume will be stepped up considerably."
"Changes in FHA regulations and procedures which were designed to encourage this expansion became effective on January 15," said Mr. Bingham, "in response to the urgent need for quick action in war housing."
Buys Half Interest In Plywood Concern
W. J. (Nick) Nicholson, who has been associated with California Plywoods, Inc., Oakland, for the past several years, has purchased the interest of L. B. Krohn in the business. He is president of the corporation and Leo J. Fleitz is vice-president.
Attend Sales Conference
W. G. Kahman, district sales manager of Shevlin Pine Sales Co., San Francisco, and Gerald Wetzel, resident sales manager at McCloud, Calif.,left San Francisco February 20 to attend a sales conference at Chicago.
On the Job
I was filled with deep depression At the advent of the year, And among my mixed emotions 'Was an element of fear, For the Japs were on the West Coast And the Nazis on the East So as I thought things over, My timidity increased.
Then the firm earth fairly trembled Neath a sturdy, thundering tread, I thought the Japs were coming, So I covered up my head; But a booming voice cried, "Hey man, Don't you be scairt of me, I'm your good old friend, Paul Bunyan, Poke your head out, look and see."
Sure enough, there stood Paul Bunyan, Checkered shirt and s,traight, stiff beard, And he said, "f'm on the job mam, Ther's no cause to be afeard;"
"Why, you're just a myth, "I told him, "There is nothing you can do;"
"Don't you be so sure," he chuckled, "I kin win this war fer you."
"No, I sure ain't just a myth, mam, f'm the genius of the land, Clothed in homespun Yankee whimsy, Moved by rvill power, pep and sand. Ain't no obstacles, I side step, Ain't no job that I cain't do, ff you'Il just catch my spirit, We kin see this fracas through."
"Cradled in the bay of Fundy, Reared where nature fights our kind, Fellin' trees and breakin' log jams fs more pleasin' to my mind; But this job that we're now in for, Calls for blows and knocks and raps, For we're out to get the cuticle Of Hitler's Aryan Japs,."
A. Merriam Conner.
Details of Rationing of Retreaded Tires Announced
San Francisco, Feb. 20.---To clear up any misunderstanding as to the status of the rationing plan for retreaded and recapped tires, Ifarry Camp, regional director, today restated the facts as followp:
The rationing plan for retreaded and recapped tires went into effect at midnight, February 18,1942.
No retreading or recapping work can be delivered after that date and until retread certificates are issued by local rationing boards.
No sales or deliveries of retreaded or recapped tireS can be made after that date and until retread certificates are is'sued by local rationing boards.
On and after February 19 and until March 1, no camelback can be consumed in retreading or recapping of a passenger type tire and a sp'ecial provision is included in the plan to prevent the use of truck tire camelback for this purpose.
Local boards will begin to issue retread purchase certificates on February 23 to operators of trucks, buses, and other heavy vehicles on list A of the eligibility classifications.
No retread certificates will be issued for passenger car retreads until the production of passenger car camelback is authorized by the War Production Board. None has been authorized for February and very likely none will be authorized for March.
No retread certificates for trucks on list B of the eligibil- ity classifications will be issued until March 25.
Natural Gas UseRestricted :n 17 States
Washington, Feb. 16-The War Production Board. reporting present or threatened shortages of natural gas in various sections, has acted to restrict increases in gas consumption in 17 states, including California, and the District of Columbia.
In the 17 states immediately affected, gas companies are prohibited from delivering gas for heating new homes, stores, factories, or other buildings unless the heating equipmtnt has been installed prior to March I or the equipment was specified in the construction contract and the building foundation was completed before that date.
The restrictions apply solely to gas heating equipment and do not affect cooking stoves or refrigerators.