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Big Lumber Haul

Big Lumber Haul


We invite lumber declers to tqke crdvcurtqge ol our trrell as, sorted stocks ol






Ccrr cnd Ccngo Shipments ol HN DIMENSION IT TIIIBENS

Modern lccilities lor quick shipments crt our storcge ycrd

655 East Elorence Avenue


Telepbone Tllonwqll 3l{{ ColLct hl u $dc tfr or t u rqrfuorrrb


Being stock iteurs, these mcrntels sell at cr nucb urore reqsoncrble price thcrr custom-built mcntels. Sold through decrlers only.

No investment is more likely to pcy grreater dividends thqn qn crttrqctive, well-plcrnned home.

The wide siding exterior, corner window trecrtment, together with the many unique cnd convenient detqils worked intothe lloor plcn mcrke this Iittle home worthy oI your specicl qttention.

This is only one oI the many crttrcctive homes lecrtured in thenew "Distinctive Low Cost Homes" book issued by the E. M. DernierService Burecru, 3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angeles, Californicr, whose plcrnning service is under the direct supervision oI Wm. E. Chcdwick, Registered Structurcrl Engineer.

ia ct ccrrton cnd ia being m<rde cvailqble to help declers cmd contrqctors in Pcint, Hcrdwcre, Lumber, cnd Buitding mcrtericls to STIMULAIE THEIR 1942 SALES in tune with the 1942 Clecru Up-Pcint Up-Fix Up Ccmpcign, which will soon be sweeping the nction in Bupport ol lhe government's wcrrtime conservction program. Sold on c cooperctive priJe 5csig, !1!e^n!9d _to,cover o_nly cost cnd hcndliag, by the Nctionql Clecn Up and Paint Up Cqmpcrign Burecu, 1500 Rhode Islcnd Avenue, N. W., Wcehington, D. C,, Irom which a colored descriptive circulci cnd price liat mcy be obtcdned upon request.


Alton R. Williams, who has been employed for the past vear at the Naval Air Base, Alameda, has joined the U. S. Navy as yeoman, first class, and is stationed at the Oakland Airport.

Alton is a son of Rex Williams, who was formerly rvith Eureka Sash Door & Moulding Mills, San Francisco, and who is now with the U. S. Engineers, \Mar Department. Rex says this makes three generations in military and naval service, for his father served with the Queen's Orvn Rifles in Canada in 1885.

Plywood Plant To Resume March 20

The plyrvood department of Wheeler Osgood Sales Co,rporation, Tacoma, which was damaged by fire January 17, will resume operation March 20. The door department was not damaged in the fire.

On Eastern Trip

Kenneth Smith, president of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, is expected back March l0 from an eastern trip. He has been visiting Chicago, New York and Washington on Association business.

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