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Position Wanted
Wholesale and retail lumberman with twenty-one years' experience in Southern California-managing, purchasing and selling. Middle aged and in good health. Would like interview. Can furnish references. Address Box C-930, California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Man with twenty years' experience as lumber yard manager in San Joaquin Valley desires position. Also expert auditor. Can furnish good references. Ad&ess Box C-932 California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Position Wanted As Manager
Lumberman wants position as manager of retail lumber yard in West. 35 years experience. At present employed. Scanilinavian-age S9-married. Address Box C-934, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Centrd Bldg., Los Angeles.
Army Motor Base Built in Record Time Cuts Expected Cost
Washington, February 24.-The Army's new Fourth Echelon Motor Base at Conley, Ga., was speeded to completion two and a half months ahead of sch'edule, yet cost but 90 per cent of estimates, officials pointed out lvhen the structure was finished January 18.
Only about 40 per cent of the building excavation was complete when the attack c:lme on Pearl l{arbor. Three days later General l\{anager Joe B. Hutchison of the Central Contracting Company responded to Army appeals by launching a speed-up program. He put his 950 carpenters, skilled workmen and common laborers at work ten hours a day, seven days a week. Each man on the job turned in 30 hours overtime weekly.
fn a total of 46 working days, the structure was ready for occupancy by 2,000 trainees for our mechanized'Army. The building whiih was constructed by means of the Teco Connector System, occupies nearly six acres of ground'
Major L. George Horowitz, of the District Engineer's office at Atlanta, was loud in his praise.
"f am pointing out to contractors that speed and economy can be made synonomous," he declared.
"With proper organizational co-ordination, correct planning and intelligent directio'n, speed can be made to mean lesser-not greater-{osts."
Exact cost of the s,tructure, one of the largest tirnbertrussed bu,ildings in the South, is a mrilitary secret. ft was revealed, however, that the maximum weekly payroll was $42,000.
Position Wanted
Lumberman with 16 years' experience as assistant manager and manager in California desires position. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-931, California Lumber Merchan! 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Experienced young man wanted for clerk, paint and hardware department of retail lumber yard located in Southern Nevada. Pay depends on experience and ability. Address Box C-933, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Wanted experienced retail lumber yard delivery truck driver. General knowledge of game and good hand writing necessary. Married preferred. Yard located in middle-sized town in desert. Address Box C-935, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, SOl Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Tele' phone PRospect 8746.
News, ltems
Bob Hoover, salesman for A, L. "Gus" Hoover, Los Angeles, u'as recently in San Fran'cisco on business.
Howard' M. Gunton of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, attended the funeral of his father, Wm. M' Gunton, in Chicago, Feb. 7. He made the trip both ways by plane, returning to San Francisco, February 12.
H. C. McGahey, manager, San Diego Lumber Company, San Diego, was in San Francisco on a business trip around the middle of February.
Carl Bahr, manager of California Redwood Distributors, Chicago, recently visited California to call on the offices and mills of the members of his organization.
Collaborating with Army engineers in designing the Teco trusses were Maxwell & Hitchcock, licensed Atlanta lepresentatives of the Timber Engineering Company of Georgia and Alabama. A total ol 493 connector-joined rrusses, 4O ft. long, was used for the building. The roof framing alone contains 1,700,000 feet of lumber.