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Big Yard's Handling Hdp to Speed Facilities \(/ar Effort
The 1'ard of the Consolidated Lumber Company at 1446 East Anaheim Street, Wilmington, Calif., is one of the best equipped in the country for the handling o{ lumber. The property occupics 60 acres, 4O of which are being used. The clock is 1200 ieet long, big enough to accommodate four lur.nber schooners at one time. Lumber is received both b1' rail and cargo. The normal inventory carried varies from 12 to 15 million feet, but at times in the last few years l'ras run very much higher.
Consolidated Lumber Company rvas established in 1905, and the record shou's that it has played an important part in the development of Southern California. Today its business is 99 per cent connected rvith the rvar, and it is doing a good job.
The planing mill is operated 58 hours a rveek, and has an output of betr'veen 3 and 3l million feet a month.
The lumber handling equipment includes a fleet of eight Ross Carriers, soon to be increased to nine; two l{oss Lift Trucks, one of rvhich is leased, and rvill be replaced u'ith a new one this month, and two electric hoists. Tlre Los Angelcs yard is located at 722 East Jefferson Street.
A. J. N{acmillan is general manager, Rex Clark is sales manager. Doyle Bader is general superintendent, and Jess Moody is yard superintendent.
Pine crnd Cypress Veneer Prices
An increase of approximately $6 per 1,000 board feet in the ceiling prices for pine and cvpress \renecr produced in the South is allorved by OPA (Amendment 7 to N{PR 176). effective Feb. 18.