3 minute read
P erpetuating Northwestern Forests
(Weyerhaeuser News, Number 6, published recently by the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, St. Paul Minn., contained two splendid and informative stories on the subject of the perpetuation of the Northwest forests. They were beautifully illustrated. One story told of the tremendous nursery that is riow being maintained in the Northwest as a foundation for future forests. Another. written bv Col. W.
E. Greeley, told of the general plan for timper growing ir' Washington and Oregon, together with facts' about results. So we asked Ray Saberson, Editor and compiler of the "News" for the loan of some cuts and permission to reprint in patt at least, these articles. We got both. Here. are the slightly pruned stories, and here are the pictures to illustrate them.-The Editor.)
To give the tree seeds the best possible stgrt in competition with iasects, pests crnd lungus, the seedling bedg cre eterilized c tew dcyr belore plcrnting in lhe spring by iniection ol a lcrccide. This is tr Iorm ol teqr Ecs (chloropicrin); hence the recson lor lte gcs, mcrrLe.
Millions Of Trees For Tomorrow
Beginning belore Pearl Harbor, the men of the Douglas Fir lumber industry bound themselves by a farsighted contract to grow, in the first five years, 25 million seedlings of commercial species and to use them in restocking privately owned forest lancls on which repeated fires have worked against .Nature.
On 4O acres of marvelous soil brought down from majestic Mt. Ranier by a glacial stream, the lumbermen have placed what amounts to a $350,000 wager of faith in the future-not one cent of which comes from federal. state or other public sources.
When this new venture in private forestry of the West Coast lumber industry became fact on the Nisqually flats a few miles north of Olympia, Washington's capital city, the Weyerhdeuser Timber Cor-npany abandoned,* its .own hursery vr/fiere it had been growing 2,000,00O seedlittgs a year and became an important integral part of the larger, cooperative effort. Charles Reynolds, a professional forester especially skilled in nursery technique, left his post with th6 Company nursery at Snoqualmie Falls and went to Nisqually to take over the industry project.
At Nisqually the men of the industry have leveled the gentle rolls, stirred in hundreds of cubic yards of peat and fertilizer, turned the earth to a depth of 18 inches and pulverized the seed beds with a mechanical marvel that digs like a,thbusand terrified racoons.
Seed, gathered from selected locations in the forests, is cled:ned, graded, de-winged and stored. It takes 40,000 Douglas Fir seeds to tip a pound weight on the scales and oge pound is all that can be shucked from two and onehalf bushels of cones. Allowances are made for only onethird of the seeds maturing into healthy seedlings and for a furthel mortality occurring when the seedlings are lifted for transplanting.
In the Spring, shortly before planting time, 'when the earth has warmed up to exactly the right temperature, a machine looking like a double-barreled piece of artillery is pulled over the seed beds by tractor. A gas (chlorbpicrin) is automatically injected into the soil to sterilize fungi, weed .seeds and other pests.
Operations at Nisqually are 'rnechanized. and scheduled as in any well ordered factory. Seeding is done with a grain seeder, rut down to fit the four-foot beds and fitted with sperial attachments. The seed is sown in rows at shallow depths controlled to the eighth of an inch. Drawn by a tractor that straddles the seed bed with high clearance, the seeder lays down eight rows at a time in straight lines that delight the mathematical eye of an engineer.
Before the seeds have shown themselves as so nany millions of tiny green feathers, nursery employees go over the beds with flame throwers to kill back the faster germin:iting weeds. Thus, the little, slow-grorving trees are (Continued onPage24)
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